HPV + , colposcopy, now confused.

Hi, looking for some advice as a bit confused.

I had a smear test result 2021 HPV + no abnormal cells. My last smear test prior was 2018 and was just no abnormal cells, I believe HPV wasnt tested for then.

Invited back for smear test 2022 which was the same HPV + and no abnormal cells.

Had my 1 year repeat again in May 2023 which was same again HPV + and no abnormal cells and referred for colposcopy.

I had that appointment this week and they said they could not see any abnormal cells and my cervix looked healthy. She then said I would be called for my next smear in 3 years.

At the time I was just happy that everything looked ok and I wouldnt have to have a smear again for 3 years. I find them quite difficult, I have a tilted cervix and the nurse who did my last smear had 3 or 4 attempts to get a sample and it was quite painful.

However after coming away and thinking about it, I am a little worried about not having a smear test for 3 years. Why go from having 1 yearly smear tests because of HPV to 3 yearly when my latest smear still shows I have it?

The lady said at my colposcopy its likely you just have persistant HPV and it isnt causing a problem.

I am feeling a bit anxious now about leaving a smear 3 years when I know HPV is still there.

Wow yoi have the same exact situation as me… Except I have not had colposcopy done yet. I’m getting one done this week. I’m hoping that everything looks fine since my last two paps were normal and no cell changes. After my 1st time finding out I had HPV my doctor told me because it is high risk I need to be tested every year instead of every three years Because I am just barely over the age of thirty she told me that they just came out with new guidelines If anyone over the age of thirty test positive for the highest strains then They need to have a colposcopy and be tested Yearly until the h p v does not show.

Good luck with your colposcopy and hope its ok.

I was so anxious for my colposcopy but they were so lovely at my appointment. Made me feel so at ease and like it was all normal. In fact it was better than my smear, as I had not a great experience last time.

The one lady was chatting away to me and before I knew they were like all done, I cant see anything etc.

So same my nurse at GP had said yearly smears because of HPV but not following colposcopy they are saying to go back to 3 years. But my last smear was still positive so I assumed I would go back to yearly smears.

Leaving it so long until my next smear leaves me a little anxious. I have recently started taking AHCC, folate, vitamin c and green tea supplements as well as a mutlivitamin as I got anxious about HPV anyway and started doing some research.

I was wondering whether it is ok to wait 3 years or go for a private smear in between.

My doctor did say you can choose to do it yearly if you would like to. I was hoping the last 9 months of me taking vitmains along with losing weight ans earing much healthier would have taken care of it but nope…1 year later still the same results. Im trying to get pregnant now hoping it all goes smoothly. I hae health anxiety.

Hi sorry to jump on your message. I have been researching ways to clear HPV and I am tempted by the AHCC, can I ask which one you opted for? I hear it needs to be about 3grams a day which would be 3000mg. My recent result was HPV + with low grade cell changes. Had colp and they said cells were okay. Being called back in a year to see if HPV cleared, but I doubt it as I think I must have had it for sometime due to relationship dates, so thinking I need to help my body in some way if I can.

Hi, i got mine off Amazon and yes take 3g on and empty stomach.
They are expensive and we will see. Because I didnt have cell changes I wont be called for another smear for 3 years, but the hospital I work out do private smears, so I am going to do that in a years time to see whether HPV gone and if any cell changes

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Hi, just looking for some advice.
I have had 3 smear tests which have all been HPV positive. I was sent for colposcopy today which she said looked normal but took a biopsy just to put my mind at rest as I’m a worrier. She also stated the type of HPV I had was not 16 or 18 but one of the others that are classed as high risk. Does anyone know what happens next? If my biopsy is ok what is procedure after this ?
She did also state that the type of HPV I have wouldn’t have been covered by the HPV vaccine so when I asked which one I have she just stated one of the other 9 types which link to cancer :weary:not very useful