HPV+ & abnormal cells

Hi all,

So last year i had my smear came back hpv positive and abnormal cell changes, went for colposcopy they saod low grade changes waa fine ahould clear up, and repeat smear in 1 year.

Here we are 1 year later and results are still hpv pos and abnormal cells.

Is it notmal 2 years in a row?
Im panicking that the cells are now worst then last year.

Juat looking for anyone else experience having both hpv and abnormal cells 2 years in a row

I did have abnormal cells previously back in 2016 and 2018 but i never had the colposcopy back them just repeat smears until clear

Thanks in advance for your advice

Em xx

Hello, this is exawhat i am going through right now. I was hpv+ with LGSIL and had a colposcopy done last yr and it was normal… this year at my checkup i was still hpv+ and lgsil so i have to go for another colposcopy. It was actually supposed to be todau but aunt flo came to visit so it was moved to next Tuesday. I cant tell you what happens after but im praying and hoping it is normal again