Worried...hope for nothing

Hey guys! First-time poster but semi-long lurker.


I went to the doctor for an unrelated illness in July. While there they noticed I was 3 years late for a smear so they scheduled one for earlier in August.  After the smear the doctor stated that he had seen "a lot" of abnormal cells during the test and that he was referring me for a colposcopy.  A week later I got my smear results back and all came back normal and HPV was negative. 


The colposcopy is this coming up Friday and I am beyond worried.  If it came back normal what did he see? Can it still come back as CIN? If it does is that common?

That is an odd thing for your doctor to a say. You can't see cells during screening. Even though I had CIN3, the nurse doing my smear said my cervix looked healthy

There are other things that he may have seen with the naked eye such as a red patch or a polyp which are harmless and the colposcopy is just for a closer look. If you are HPV neg, you are very unlikely to have CIN that needs treatment