Worried about scan results

i just received my scan results in my online file yesterday and they have me so worried. I tried calling my doctor but she was unavailable.


The scan report says that my cervix looks unremarkable, no lymph node adenopathy and no other areas of concern.


It also says that due t my bowel beeing jn the way there was some trouble getting a proper look at my parametrium but they did mention my left side parametrium looks asymmetrical compared to the right side and that there might be a lightly hyperintense leasion in the soft tissue, however there is no clear deffusion restriction or coloration.


The advice us to have another mri in three  months or an internal check at my next appointment wich is this coming tuesday.

On my first scan they saw this, but it was considered scarr tissue n my second scan and therefor no longer suspocious. And now its back on the table again. Does this mean the cancer is back or still in my parametrium? 

I had an internal check up three months ago and was just fine 

I am so worried now that its not gone or that its back

Has anyone here had the same happen and be just fine? I feel just fine, other then the ocassional hot flush now and then.


Can anyone offer me some comfort ? 



Oh my lovely, 

I can't offer any real comfort but please know you are in my thoughts and I hope more than anything that this is just something perfectly normal due to all the radiation to that area. 

On my first scan I had an area that was thought to be affects of radiation on my second scan it was defined as a crater caused by the radio, so I will hope that you have good news from your internal.

it may be as simple as a different person interpreted your scan and just reported it not knowing it had also be seen and ruled out from earlier scans. 
I will be thinking of you come Tuesday and hope that you have good news to share. May good karma head your way after all the kindness, love and support you have shown us all on here. Sending massive hugs and positive vibes.

love emma xxx 

Thank you Em, that means a lot to me 

Suzanne what a shit this disease is. I'm sorry you've got this worry again. I'm afraid I can't offer much comfort as it's not something I've had to deal with (so far). MRI's definitely aren't foolproof and it must be even harder to decipher what's what after treatment. I ended up having surgery before treatment because an MRI showed up something that ended up being an ovarian cyst. It had lit up like a christmas tree on the MRI. Sending so many positive thoughts your way. Let us know how it goes on Tuesday. Will be thinking of you.

x Maria

Thinking of you sweetie, I hope tomorrow goes really well. Massive hugs and tonnes of love and positive vibes xx 

Thank you so much Emma, that means so much to me. My friends and family are very casual about this, the tumor is gone so you are cured.  They have no idea what a mental battle this diagnose is, and having weird scan results is a major trigger.


My appointment was cancelled today by my doctor. She was quite pissed that the nurse had scheduled me for today since my scan wasnt even reviewd by her and the mtd yet.


She said she was so sorry for me beeing so upset and said that she really disliked the online patient portal where results can be seen by the patient without the doctor beeing there to explain things.


She then told me that the person reviewing my scans had noticed a tiny patch of tissue that looked abnormal compared to normal and healty tissue. She said that it is completely normal for radiated tissue to look different on an mri scan.


She also said that my bowel was jn the way so they are not even sure it really looks different at all. And she said they never just look at a scan, they always do an internal check up too and if there is something that concerns h3r she will biopsy. But its not even sure there actually is something there 


My appointment has been put back on November 11th , and hopefully it all looks ok

Hey lovely

I'm sorry you are now in the position of having to wait again. In my last mei and pet scan they were unsure about an area in my cervix that was lighting up, but it turned out it was inflammation after going in and doing a truecut biopsy. As someone above said, the scans are not infallible so hopefully it is just scar tissue or inflammation.

On another note, I didn't know you could go onto an online patient portal to see your results. How do you get to it?

Hi southofthelake, 


I am from the Netherlands, and my hospital offers an online patient portal, which is really nice and handy except for the fact that all my scan reports are in there as well without a consultation from the doctor.


Unafortunatly this shitty cancer has turned me intto a complete controll freak, I can't let it go. I have to see my results as soon as they are in, and thats not the smartest thing to do.

Hey sweetheart,

Sorry for not replying, I saw your message but couldn't reply, this site doesn't like my phone since I updated. 6th time lucky ??

Well hopefully the person you spoke will make sure the same mistake doesn't happen again, life is stressful enough without the endless waiting. My friends are very similar and I find quite dismissive, I want to scream and shout sometimes, but I've gotten really good at pretending to be ok when I'm just not. This site has been amazing.

I haven't had an internal exam since I finished treatment and this drives me insane with worry, I often let my crazy irrational head get the better of me and then it takes ages to get back on track. I have a scan this month sometime, Its been 5 months and the moment the 1st of november hit scanxiety kicked right in, i drive myself bloody nuts. Every ache, pain, twinge, cough, I wonder if I'll ever just be me again. I hope more than anything time will heal us mentally. 
I really hope the 11th rolls around quickly and that it's just scar tissue. Massive hugs wonderful lady. Xxx 

Ahw Emz I am so sorry you are feeling this too. I love this place because everyone just knows how it feels. I do feel its heartbreaking though, to know so many ladies are having the exact same fears and feelings. 

Will keep you posted , thanks for beeing so supportive ? 

I just received notice that my online file has been updated. The mtd was yesterday and they did a full review on my MRI and consider me to be in complete remission.


So relieved 

yay! Wonderful news!!!

Omg this made me cry!!! Happy tears of course. I am so unbelievably happy for you, it fills my heart with so much joy when good things happen to good people. I hope you have celebrated and relaxed. 
Massive hugs and tonnes of love, 

love emma xxx 

Yeah! Super news, delighted for you. A week to my one year check up and already feel myself getting stressy with the kids. Hopefully time will heal us a bit mentally.

X Maria

Yeah! Super news, delighted for you. A week to my one year check up and already feel myself getting stressy with the kids. Hopefully time will heal us a bit mentally.

X Maria


hope your one year check brings positive news, will Be thinking of you,

love and hugs xx 

Just came back, counting my blessings


They went over my scan and dismissed whatever the tiny spot was,  I am officially still in remission.

She did an internal exam and was very pleased, I have no evidence of ever having cancer. My vagina and cervix look normal and healty, she said it looked excellent.


So I said thanks and ran with it, bye bye!!! Back in three months for a follow up scan. 

Thanks Emma,

Hope all is going well for you!

x Maria