What do I ask?


just wondered if anyone could help or had been through similar. 


I had a smear done 16 months ago and a coil fitted at the same time. Smear came back normal. I was told my cervix was very vascular and I had ectropian when pregnant. 

I found a small lump on my cervix a month ago and GP had a look, said she couldn’t see anything unusual and everything looked “healthy”

my period was late this month by over a week. (Not unusual as I was diagnosed with pcos 2 1/2 years ago). But my period was different, took a long time to get started and wasn’t overly heavy which it can be but bright red the whole time. It then stopped for a few days and now I have spotting(5 days now), it seems to be worse when I’m more active. I had a period in October which was similar but the spotting didn’t last this long. 

I have had stitch pains on and off on both sides by my hips and occasional pelvic pain but also have lichen sclerosis so could be that. I’ve also got a history of thyroid problems which I know can cause irregular bleeding.


Im wondering if it could be the coil, something more sinister, I’ve been thinking about having the coil removed anyway. Do I push to have that first to see if it resolves it? Or my thyroid? Or push for another smear! 


Im going to try and get an appointment tomorrow if I can.


I have the coil and I too have ectropian, picked up on my last smear. I was sent for a colposcopy, still awaiting biopsy results, but the consultant did say the coil can cause spotting. However, it is best to get these things checked out.