What can I do after a biopsy?

Hi all,


I had my copolscopy this morning which also included two biopsies. 

I found the treatment pretty painful and they said if I need further treatment like LLETZ then I will need to be put to sleep due to my discomfort. 

The advice they gave me afterwards was ‘showers are better than baths’ and ‘you can have sex in 3-5 days, whenever the blood stops’.

However, everything I’m reading online is telling me I need to take it really easy for a few weeks, no lifting, no exercise etc. I had a large, heavy gym bag in the room with me and they said nothing. 

I feel really confused as to what I can do tomorrow assuming I’m not in pain? I would ideally like to get straight back to the gym! 

Any insight is much appreciated!

Hi, The general advice after a LLETZ are:  no heavy lifting, swimming, sex, use of tampons, douching amd excessive exercises for at least 4-6 weeks. You have to be careful because any of these can delay healing, as your body will make a scab on your cervix (like any wound on your skin). Bleeding and discharging can continue for at least 4 weeks afterwards.

I’m very surprised that they said you could resume sex within days, as this may introduce germs and thus cause an infection.


If you have just had the Colposcopy and biopsies I was told no baths/sex for 48 hours then back to every day life. The recovery for the LLETZ procedure is different and takes much longer 

Thanks ladies, my doctor wasn't especially friendly so I've had to get this info from other women who've had this treatment. 

Hi HM89,


I'm just wondering how you got on with exercise after your biopsies? I had my colposcopy and two biopsies yesterday morning. I am a triathlete and want to get back to things asap. (for both my physical and mental health if I'm honest!) Like you, I found the whole thing far more painful than I expected.