Waiting for scans and treatment plan

I’ve been reading through everyone’s journey over the past few weeks as I was waiting for results from my Loop procedure. On Monday I had a call to go to the hospital for my results. On Tuesday I was told I had grade 2 cervical cancer. I was also told I need to have a Radical Hysterectomy and possibly treatment. I had no symptoms, this was just picked up from a smear test. I’ve struggled all week worrying about everything. I had a CT scan yesterday, just waiting for MRI. I was told I will have my operation in the next three weeks. I feel all over the place. I’m 46 and have two adult children. The hardest part was telling my family. I wasn’t ready for their reaction. I just want to know what the plan is and let’s start fighting this cancer! I feel numb and scared, which I know is natural. Reading everyone’s journeys does help and I thank everyone for posting during this difficult time x

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Hi Nikki, I totally share your pain. I was told 10 days ago (over the phone whilst driving!) that the Lletz procedure showed cancer cells. They think stage 1 but have to wait another 3 weeks before MRI for insides to heal properly to gain accurate stage reading. It will be 30th aug for consultation to discuss. The waiting is horrendous I just want a plan. Likely hysterectomy if they have stage right. I know of a couple of people who have been thru this a beaten the b@stard so we can too. Stay strong and keep in touch we will be going though this together. Sending hugs x


Hi @Nikki77

Welcome to the club no one every wants to be a part of. Everything you are feeling is normal and everyone reacts differently to hearing the news. There is no right or wrong way. Remember this is your cancer journey so who and how you tell is within your control along with how you feel emotionally.

Like you mine was picked up by my smear but I did have ongoing constipation.

Like you the waiting is seemingly the worst part (apart from the cancer!) I was told on 3/7 and only going for my PET Scan tomorrow so I can finally get my treatment plan.

Stay strong and if you need anything we are here to listen and support


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Thank you :blush: Good luck tomorrow with your scan :crossed_fingers::heart:

Thank you :blush: Good luck with everything and it’s nice to talk to people that are going through the same thing. Although it’s also hard that other people are going through it too x Stay strong and positive and together we will fight it x
I received a letter today that says I’ve got grade 2 endo cervical adenocarcinoma. This has been sent to my doctors to keep them up to date with my diagnosis. This is the first time I’ve actually seen/understood what I’ve got.

Hi Nikki, you have come to the right place for support. This forum is full of women in your position and are in many different stages of life and different stages of their own cancer journey. I know the fear and the numbness of knowing that you have cancer but don’t know what the future looks like. It helped me to just get through one day at a time. I was diagnosed with stage3 cervical cancer just 7 months after my beautiful husband of 42 years of marriage died of a glioblastoma. It seems strange to say that the grief I felt and still feel outweighs the cancer, but it is true. Don’t get me wrong, the cancer scared me but I was so numb that I just put one foot in front of the other, took my physician’s advice on my planned treatment, and moved forward. I had radiation, chemo, brachytheraphy, and radiation boost from November of 2021to the end of January of 2022. My PET scan in March of 2022 came out clean and I took a huge sigh of relief and started to tackle the everyday life I have on this grief journey. This year, with my PET scan in March of 2023, something showed up, but after extensive scans and outpatient surgery, the second follow up scan is clean, also, and for another year I am “good” to go. Hang in there, find a good friend to listen to you when you want to rant and cry, but know that medicine has progressed so far and we are benefitting from the treatments. You will find women on here who will be able to answer many questions along the way of your treatment. I spent a lot of time reading stories with advice that I took to heart and was able to get through this. You will get through it. We are all pulling for you!


Thank you for message x Everyone sharing on this forum really does help x every day I have a wave of emotions good & bad

Hi Nikki—

Welcome to the Adenocarcinoma party :tired_face:

If you have any questions specific to Adenocarcinoma there are a few of us who have faced treatment for it on here & are doing well. I finished chemorads in Feb & got NED in June. Please feel free to reach out at any time :heart:


Thank you for your post, it’s good to hear positive stories. Brilliant news regarding NED! X :heart:

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