Waiting for results


Is anyone else currently waiting biopsy results from a colposcopy? 

I had mine on Friday 5th June, they took three biopsy's and the consultant said it's currently a 4/5 week wait. It hasn't even been 4 days yet and I'm struggling. She has pre booked an MRI scan for 6 weeks too which seems odd and from googling/ going through forums doesn't seem to be normal protocol. 

It seems to of all happened very quickly as my first appointment at the doctors was only 28th April with symptoms and now it seems I can't catch up with myself, my family and partner are supportive enough but all they have said on the matter is, well it's nothing to worry about until you get any sort of results. 

Is anyone else feeling a little lost/scared? 


Hi hun. 

My results came back quite quickly but I think it'll be different at different hospitals. 

Terrified is an understatement, and this is so normal to be feeling this way. My results showed cin 3 and I have LLETZ procedure tomorrow. If its any consolation they got me in really quickly. 

Family don't really help me much cos they haven't experienced it themselves. I find this forum really supportive though x


Thank you for getting back to me, thankfully I was refferred and got follow up appointments really quickly under a 2 week referral thing which is really lucky especially as everything has been closed down for covid-19.

I'm glad you didnt have to wait too long for your results, how are you feeling about the results and the procedure?

It is really difficult for family I think as they try to be positive, but as you say they have no experience so it comes accross unhelpful!!

I hope all goes well for you tomorrow xx