Waiting for results over Christmas

I just wanted to say hello to any other ladies who are waiting for results over Xmas .


Thank you Meraud. This waiting is so difficult.  I can see from your timeline you've been here since August.  I had smear showing high grade severe and had coloscopy and lletz on 3 Dec 2018. Doctor thought cin3 at coloscopy. Now waiting biopsy results from lletz.  Let's hope we hear good news soon x

Hiya Ananya, yes i've been here a while! I'm hoping for a definitive answer one way or another when I see the consultant on Jan 2nd. Hopefully you get the all clear soon.



Waiting for results, it's the worst thing isn't it.

I am waiting for a date for my hysterectomy, just want it over with now.

Fingers crossed you get them soon Maraud and its good news for you xx


I had LETZ treatment and biopsy done last Wednesday and was told to except CIN3 I am worried what could this mean as still waiting on results 

Hi Grey

Yes, waiting is truly awful! I hope you get your hysterectomy date soon. It makes you feel like your whole life is on hold.


Hi Vickie

I hope you dont have too long to wait for results and hopefully the LLetz has removed all the CIN3. If you need an explanation of CIN3 you are better off making a new forum post and some of the more knowledgable ladies on this site will give you any information you need xx

Hi Meraud,

Hope everything goes well today and you get good news.  Thinking of you.