Waiting and scared

Results on Thursday.

The CNS rang today to check on me after weekend. She said CT scan was back and all other organs were clear and contained to cervix. She did say my lymph nodes looked inflamed but she couldn’t be sure if that was infection, which could make sense as I have had infection. But still a worry. I’m nearly there, just couple days to go 

Good news! Yes and if you’ve had treatment to your cervix the lymph nodes may “flash up” on the MRI as they’re doing there job and having an appropriate inflammatory response. I was told I had to wait at least 3 weeks between lletz and MRI for this reason. That’s great it’s confined.

ive had my CT and MRI last week,get results and plan tomorrow....eeek!

Massive good luck got Thursday,I’ll be thinking of you xxx

Just had my CT and MRI today, do the waiting begins.  Feel very overwhelmed.

To too it off I am now getting short sharp pains in my lower abdomen on the left hand side.  So frightened x

I experienced pains to and I thought omg it must be everywhere. But they’ve died down now, I did have infection thought and prescribed antibiotics. I’ve heard on this forum that it’s quite common and every pain we now feel until staging will feel like somethings wrong. Try not to worry. 

I get my results back today finally. Feel I’ve waited that long that I don’t even want to know anymore just want it to go back to normal. But glad I will finally know what’s going on and can get going with treatment.

when do you get results? X

Hi lotty 

Did you get your results? 

Whats treatment plan?

how do you feel 


How did you get on?

I got my results yesterday xx

How did you get on lotty? 

So I’m a stage 1B because they could visibly see a growth on my cervix. However the amount of malignancy in the growth was equivalent of a 1A stage. Although the rest of the growth was mainly CIN3 and CGIN. No clear margins in the endocervical section.  MRI clear.

Plan from MDT is repeat LLETZ, if clear margins I can have a simple hysterectomy for belts and braces precaution as it’s an adenocarcinoma. If not clear margins I’ll need a radical hysterectomy. 

I think the best of the shit cancer hand? I’m still a little nervous and stressed but overall a positive....I think.


Been an emotional 24 hours. Went for results and was told there had been some spread to lymph nodes and I need chemorads. They think this is best option. My stage has also changed from 1b1 but I’m trying to not concentrate on that. I’ve been told the tumour in cervix is small. So I’m scared and confused all rolled into one. 

I know this is best treatment for me. But the thought of having chemorads is scary and there is a part of me that thinks OMG what if they can’t cure it. 

Meeting on Monday with oncologist who will talk me through treatment. 


I’m sorry to hear this! 

But there are many on here who have had chemorads and been NED at follow up appointments. 

You’ve got this! I have no doubt.

Thinking of you xxxx

Update - got my oncologist appointment tomorrow to discuss treatment plan. I just want to get moving now and do what needs doing. Praying this can be sorted. 

Will update tomorrow with what’s been said as I found reading other people’s experiences helps me so much. 


Good luck! 

Will be thinking of you xxx

So had my first oncologist appointment yesterday and she spoke me through treatment. I have pet scan weds and radio meeting on Friday. All happening quickly which I’m happy about but still quite scary at the same time. 

Still cant believe I’m here and having to go through this. 

I need hope but right now I feel scared of what will be.

My treatment should start within couple of  weeks which I’m happy about just want to kill this thing!



Good news everything is starting to move quickly for you. 

Hope everything goes well on Wednesday and Friday,will be thinking of you!

You’ve got this.....kick cancers arse! That’s my new mantra.
