Very Anxious

Hi All

Just looking for a bit or reassurance I guess.

I am having my LLETZ in 2 weeks time, and am starting to get a bit panicky about it. I had my first smear test this year, it came back abnormal so I went and had a colposcopy. I already have a mirena fitted so the procedure, even though it was uncomfortable, was okay. The next day I noticed that the nurse who did my colposcopy and my biopsies had cut my merina strings (You can all imagine how I found this out), so I went to my local GUM clinic later on in the week to get it checked. They said that the strings were now very short, but they could still see them and it was fine, it would probably be a good idea that once my cervix was fully healed to just have it replaced with a new one to be on the safe side. After examining me, the nurse left the room for me to get changed, only for me to find that she had left the speculum in me, I then had to wait for her to come back so she could remove it and I could get changed.

I am now super worried about my LLETZ as I feel something else silly is going to happen. Can someone please reassure me that I’m not going to feel any pain and it’ll all be done with swiftly. I feel i’m working myself up a bit too much for the procedure and by doing that i’m going to make it worse.

Thanks for any advice :slight_smile:

hi hun, I had lletz treatment done in February. I didn't know I was having treatment done, I went for a colposcopy an I was terrified. so she started doing the stain testing on my cervix, then got the injection out, I was winching at the thought of it but I honestly didn't feel anything! then she started preforming the lletz an it was like nothing was happening, I even watched on the screen! before I knew it, it was over. it's so quick an I found it pain free, although a little uncomfortable at first but that is normal. you'll be fine :) feel free to ask anything you like 

big hugs xx