Very anxious. Follow up app

Hi .
So i got my lletz done on the 4th january after my smear came back with severe dyscariosis. Today i got a message saying in need to go back to colposcopy for an appointment but they wont tell me my results or why. My app is in 2 weeks so i will be 5 weeks pos lletz. Anyone has the same experience? So nervous as i dont know what is for and what to expect and they wont tell me.

hi @Fmcp

It sounds very much like you need another LLETZ treatment margins may not have been met… if cancer was found you wouldnt be invited for another colposcopy, you would get a phonecall to come and discuss your results within a couple of days, there wouldnt be a 2 week wait… the next official appointment is then an MRI to stage it and this would be with an oncologist instead of a gynaecologist xx

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Hi @Tinkerbelle29 thank you for your reply. That is what i thought also but because they wont tell me what the appointment is for the anxiety sets in and you dont even know what to prepar for. I am hopping i will either get my tesults via post or a letter about the appointment to give me some me information as at the moment all i have is a txt message with a date and time.

I don’t know if it’s still a problem, but the postal strikes caused delays with my biopsy results (in the UK). I had the appointment text weeks before the letter finally arrived (which came the day before the colposcopy appointment two weeks ago) so I gave my GP a call and they emailed me a copy of the letter they’d got. If you get registered on the NHS app, you can see letters when they’re sent.x

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I had the same kind of panic last year @Fmcp i had a punch biopsy taken at colposcopy next thing i know i get a text with an appointment inviting me back for 2 weeks later… i needed a LLETZ treatment

@Knitty it really depends on if our GP surgery has updated our records on the app if we can see it, not everything thats recorded gets shared with us, or atleast my GP doesnt lol my colposcopy or even that id had a LLETZ treatment wasnt updated on there untill months later, some dont even put copies of the letters on mine isnt and i had it done 10 months ago it just says that i had a biopsys and a LLETZ for CIN3 with the dates xx

Thanks @Tinkerbelle29 - I hadn’t realised that, I assumed the copy was uploaded automatically. I suppose they might only have uploaded it because I’d specifically requested a copy a week or so before I checked the app, too. The LLETZ treatment isn’t on there for me (or the results of the biopsy) either, just the copies of the letters. Thanks again for your help here (and on all of the other threads) - what a gem you are :slight_smile:

@Fmcp hopefully you’ll get the letter through soon :slight_smile:


@Knitty nothing available online yet. I am signed up for online letters.
Gp has no record of my lletz procedure or anything else.

@Tinkerbelle29 yes the nhs doesnt seem to have the information linked between services.

I am hopping i get a bit more information before my app