Urgent colposcopy referral after visual exam by gp


I've never posted before so apologies if I get anything wrong. I am looking to ask if anyone else has had a similar experience? I have had past gyne problems and had a mirena fitted a few years ago to manage my heavy periods caused by fibroids. This was supposed to last five years. Last spring (a year early) the symptoms returned and after much backwards and forwards to gp (via an ultrasound to check mirena was still in place) the old one was removed and a new one inserted. I had two smears taken but both came back inadequate. The gp said this was due to having ectropian/erosion and my cervix bleeding on contact. Before xmas the heavy periods (changing tampon every half hour!) returned...mirena had only been in place 5 months. Saw different GP and she did a visual vaginal exam. She told me she is concerned about the appearance of my cervix and made me an urgent referral to colposcopy. My appt is on weds (exactly two weeks since I saw gp). 

At no point previously has anyone said this  (and I have been poked and prodded a fair few times by various dr's and nurses).

The gp was very honest and said the urgent referral was because it may be cancer, but may also be something else.

I still have the mirena, but was given progesterone to stop the heavy bleeding.

I can't find anything in any of the discussions where someone has had an urgent referral with no smear test and just a visual exam.

I'm swinging between worried sick and reassured that previous examinations, coil removal/insertion and transvaginal scan would have picked up anything sinister?

Please get in touch if you can offer support or advice or have experienced something similar.


Hi Peacock,

I'm in the same boat. I'm 6 months post partum and had a standard smear appt but they couldn't complete as I had a large growth on my cervix. Im having a Colposcopy on 14th Feb and am terrified. Please let me know if you hear or find out any more!!



Hi  Chezzaaa,

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I'm not sure if reading around the subject is helping or not! I'm trying to stick to reputable websites like this one.

I'm just trying to stay busy and counting the days until weds now.


This is exactly what I’m going through have the coil and had spotting on and off with pains and lower back pain for a few months the doctor did an examination on tuesday and fast track referred me for a colpsocopy  is booked for next Wednesday I was told there is a small red patch on my cervix which needs looking at as could be cancerous my last smear was almost 3 years ago and was clear then I am so scared I have been searching the net and came across your story sorry I’m no help to you but I think it really helps to know someone else is going through the same thing and we both have our app on Wednesday next week it can’t xome quick enough for me but I am so scared at the same time 

Hi Belle,

Thanks for replying. It's weird but it's actually helping to know others are experiencing the same thing...I feel slightly less isolated. I have a wonderful partner, but he's very squeemish and can't bear to talk about anything to do with blood, medical proceedures or hospitals without feeling faint.

I'm driving myself crazy overthinking every little twinge and imagining worse case scenarios, even though my sensible head is telling me it will be further erosion and may not even need treating! I feel a total fraud being so stressed without even a diagnosis, especially when you read other stories on here and how brave people have been. 

I'm 45 and completed my family many years ago so fertility is not a concern, which I am grateful for as I'm sure that must make this situation a hundred times worse.

I will be thinking of you on Weds.


Fingers crossed that’s the case for us both I’m getting carried away with myself aswel I’m worried sick but I’m sure it will all be ok my husbands been great to but also very sqimish i have also finished my family I’m only 27 but have 3 and I’m sure that I’m done so whatever needs to be done will be done hopefully after Wednesday we can both relax abit will be thinking of you to xx

Hey guys thought I'd say hello and that I'm in the same boat too. Had mirena put in 3 years ago to sort out bleeding probs after scan showed no concerns. Had lots of visual checks and std checks etc but didn't think to get my smear too. So was about 2/3 years late! 

Finally got around to it last Tuesday. Nurse noticed growths on my cervix and told me to see a doc asap and not wait for results. Took me until Friday to see a gp. She had a look and said there's definitely lesions there and made urgent referrals for ultrasound and colposcopy. Hospital were calling me within 2 hours and all over the weekend but I kept missing the calls and didn't know who it was to call back. Finally spoke to them Monday morning and they asked me to go in on Tuesday at 9am for scans.

They didn't tell much other than there's more growths further up my cervix and my ovaries look OK. I was too scared to ask to be honest!. They told me report would be ready for colposcopy and I should have appt really soon. 

Hospital called yesterday (Wednesday) asked me to come in on Friday, but I have something with my daughter that day (I home educate my 8yr old daughter who has several disabilities, so she always comes first!) So they offered me Monday instead.

Its all going very fast, which is good and a real head spinner at the same time.

I hope all goes well for you ladies 


Hi Ladies, 


im in the same scary position. Saw my GP last Wednesday due to pelvic, back and leg pain. She did an internal and said my cervix is really ulcerated and that it may be cancer

. I have a colcoscopy in the morning to take biopsies. 

hi ladies, I've just joined this site after reading this thread and your messages. Thankyou for sharing your stories. I'm in a similar boat. Rather worried too atm after visiting my GP. IVE been given a referal to a colposcopy unit without having a smear. I went to an emergency doctors appointment after having twtounrddfound found two small hard lumps internally. Having looked online I thought I had cysts on my cervix, I booked an emergency appointment at my doctors and was had my abdomen and cervix visually examined. The doctor sat me down and said she doesn't know what it is but my cervix is inflamed too and doesn't look completely normal. Told me I need to see a specialist urgently. I was sent to wait in the waiting room and given an appointment for next week. For the g excuse my

please excuse my typing my phone screen is cracked

Hello, im new to the site and just came across this post! So sorry to hear you have all gone through this. I am aswell, anxiety is kicking off big time. I happened to go for my first smear where the nurse found i have cervical ectropion and also a lump. I didnt experience any pain/discomfort or bleeding, I havent had anything that would of encouraged myself to go along other than just going for a smear. Im currently waiting to see colonoscopy and lets just say these past few days have felt like a lifetime.

Just wondering how you girls are doing after going to colonoscopy and if you had an outcome to the lump or lumps found.


Hi i no this post is old but i have a colposcopy tomorow due to vaginal bleeding since beg of january which hasnt stopped. Dr examined me and put me for urgent refereal for coloscopy and tvs which is on thursday im 36 so worried x