Upcoming colposcopy after HPV+ and low grade abnormal changes to cells

Hi there,

I had my first smear at 25. Just before Christmas I got my results and it was HPV+ but low grade abnormal changes.

I have my colposcopy on Friday this week and I am really starting to panic! Do they take a biopsy during the procedure! and if they need to do further treatment does it happen on the day? And if they need to do a cone biopsy is that done on the same day or is another appointment scheduled for this?

Apologies for all the questions but none of the ladies in my family have had to go through this.

Beth x


Don’t panic, the colposcopy is straightforward :slight_smile: I had a colposcopy in December, and they took biopsies. It’s uncomfortable but it’s not that bad.

Sometimes they may offer treatment there and then if they think it’s necessary, but if not and they do take biopsies, they’ll send those off for analysis. The results will determine whether you need treatment.

I took my neighbour to her appointment for LLETZ treatment and it was absolutely fine for her. My best friend and Aunty have also had this treatment. I still haven’t had my results from my colposcopy biopsies yet, so don’t know if I need treatment yet. To be honest, I think the wait is the worst part.

Good luck for your appointment.


Hi Emma,

Thanks your your reply! I appreciate your help x

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Hiya I just had my first smear, I had my colposcopy on the 30th. I had biopsies taken, it felt uncomfortable but it wasn’t unbearable. I took paracetamol and ibuprofen before I think that helped all I could really feel was like poking and prodding (pressure) other than that it stung at first and throughout but it did ease off. Nurses were brilliant spoke to me all the way through and before I knew it I was done. I asked why I wasn’t having treatment there and then and they advised what they thought and stated about LLETZ and how because I’m under 30 they would only do it if it was necessary as it can make cervix weaker. Xx

Thanks for replying Lauren,

We’re you able to take someone with you? I am worried they won’t let my partner come in with me to keep me calm!


You can take someone with you, they may even advise it incase you need treatment on the day. I took my neighbour in for her LLETZ, and then I had my colposcopy two days later which she came with me to.

Your partner will probably need to sit in the waiting area, but the nurses are soooo good at chatting away and keeping you calm anyway :slight_smile:

@Bethhope12 for my appointment I had to attend on my own I suffer with anxiety as well and at first was in tears but the nurses were amazing as I’m waiting on biopsy results I will ask them this if I have treatment which from how they spoke to me believe I will be. You can always message me if you want to xx

Ask before procedure is started. I didn’t have any problems with the Colposcopy but as I suffer from Vulvodynia they have scheduled me for a Lletz shortly. Make sure you ask. Think sometimes they Taylor it to the individual. Tell them how you feel, ie if you’re driving they wouldn’t do Lletz. If you’re really worried maybe ring Secretary to find out. Good luck, nothing to be worried about C

Hi Beth,

I have the exact same as you. I’m 28, HPV+ and low abnormal cell changes. I went for my colposcopy today and it was just like a smear test. They talked it all through with me, medical history etc then you prepare yourself like you are having a smear test and the only difference is there is a monitor to the side that you can look at if you want to. I had a male doctor and 2 nurses talking to me the whole time. They put some dye in there and just check the cell colours. Anything of concern and they’ll flag it there and then. Yeah it wasn’t pleasant but it is manageable, I promise. I thankfully didn’t need a biopsy or treatment but if I did they could have done it on the day, again only if I agreed to it and if they felt it was ok too. (General anaesthetic you’d have to go back for at another time).
I really worked myself up, to the point where I took anxiety medication to calm me down and I wish I didn’t take it! It was an ok process, and something that you need to do. Not knowing and the uncertainty is the worst part! But it is not as bad as you might think. I have to go back for a 12pm this check-up and I guess I’ll get more of detailed break down in my letter.
But you will be fine. You’re in the safest hands.
All the best!

Thank you all for your replies!

You are putting my mind at ease!


Sorry to jump in but can I ask of you had CIN 1? I’m due my colposcopy on 14th and I’m HPV + and low grade dyskaryosis. I’m just scared of the biopsies!!x

Hi, I had borderline cells and had my colposcopy a few weeks ago. They did take biopsies but just to reassure you they aren’t bad, in fact I didn’t feel anything but I know it’s different for everyone! But honestly it’s not bad, if anything it will just be a bit uncomfortable for you. But it’s quick and will be over before you know it. My biopsies came back as CIN1 & 2 which I’m going to have the LLETZ treatment for in a few weeks. It’s an anxious time whilst you are waiting but try not to worry about it too much, as you know you are doing the right thing and if it needs treating they can do it! All the best ladies xx


Hiya, I have CIN1 and didn’t have a biopsy in my colposcopy. Although I haven’t had my results back in paper. I really wouldn’t worry the colposcopy is like a smear test with a camera. I was terrified but I promise it wasn’t that bad. X

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Hi @Bethhope12 how did you get on? X