Ultrasound after lletz

Hi ladies so I had lletz 4 weeks ago for cin3 and had results back saying they removed the area but it was cin2 and that I should be reassured by this and that I am being called back to colposcopy for combined smear and hpv test in beginning of feb 2019 no mention of clear margins so I haven't really been able to calm my mind or phone them to confirm either! Well I received a letter on Thursday from our national hospital a different one to where I had my colposcopy that I have been booked in for an ultrasound on the 8th of October so I phoned my gp and she said she did not refer me but that I should attend.  I should also mention I had an ultrasound in a small hospital in July this year and it was reported as clear so I'm a bit nervous as to why this has been ordered and who has referred me? If anyone has any input I would be very grateful feel like I'm constantly living on my nerves since this all started back in May with my high grade smear thanks ladies for taking the time to read xx

Hi, That is good news they only found CIN2 (moderate changes). I wouldn’t be too concerned that they haven’t mentioned ’clear margins’ to you. Otherwise, they would have recalled you back sooner than 6 months time for further treatment. Recalling you back  after 6 months is normal. The CIN2 result from the LLETZ would be more accurate than a smear. Do ring the lead colposcopist and ask about the clear margins, if only confirm. Also ask about the scan too, as I don’t know why you have been referred.

Hi Jools thanks for the reply I will do that I'm going to give them a call on Monday and see why they referred me and ask about my results x hope you are keeping well x