Treatment finished!!

I made it to the end!!! It was a relatively uneventful ride ( except a 3 day migraine just before Bracchy therapy ) and I was very lucky with very few side effects.
I read all the posts about the Bracchy as I was terrified but as most of the girls have said it wasn’t as bad as I’d imagined. The team were great at adapting the pain meds and if anything the worse part was the sickness I experienced once I stood up after lying down for so long.
All your posts have kept me going when I felt low and answered all the questions I wanted to ask so thank you ladies.
Now the wait for results… my last MRI scan showed the tumour is shrinking and my consultant is very happy so I can’t ask for more at this stage. Fingers crossed the treatment is successful
Now to take time out to rest, catch up with all the people I’ve not seen in ages and treat myself.
Keep fighting everyone
Kim xx

Hi Kim 

well there you are! I have been wondering how you have been!! I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations on finishing your treatment without too many set backs 

you are now in the waiting game along with so many of us. This club of parinoid ladies that keep each other sane!! 

Do go and enjoy and rest, you accomplished so much and deserve it!!!


Thanks Lolli 

make sure you keep us posted with your results. Everything crossed huni xxx

Go Kimmy!!! Good on you girl for getting through it and glad you didn't have too many symptoms. 

Aaah the waiting game... As lolli said, we can all wait together! 

You enjoy catching up with your people, and treat yourself big time. You deserve it hon. 


Rosie xx

treatment for cervical cancer depends on type, size, location and stage of the cancer, as well as patient's body condition. minimally invasive treatment such as interventional therapy, radioactive seed implantation, immunotherapy, cryosurgery,etc. have less side efffects, less pain and allows quick recovery.

Thanks Rosie hope your doing well xx