Test of cure

Hi all, due a 6month test of cure next week after having 1cm x 2cm CIN3 removed with LLETZ. Can anyone share their follow up check up? I don't know what to expect xx TIA

Hi, I had my test of cure a few weeks ago. I had lletz back in jan which they believe had successfully removed cin3 and cgin. The follow up was just another smear and colposcopy. They did my smear first and then the same procedure as with the first colposcopy - using the solutions to show up abnormalities and some biopsies. It wasn’t pleasant but knowing what to expect helped! Good luck 

Thank you, I really appreciate the info. Do you have to wait for results again or did they tell you if they saw abnormalities? X I'm terrified of having a biopsy, did it hurt? Xx

Hey, sorry for slow reply. have you had it yet? it Was no more uncomfortable than the first one. The biopsies were a little painful but probably only because I knew what was coming so was tense and waiting for it. The biopsies thenselves Don’t hurt, just where they use a solution to stop the bleeding it stings a bit. 

I was told the nurse could see abnormalities when she looked. I only got my results this week (over 5 weeks since colposcopy). They have come back clear for abnormality and biopsies are fine. Still testing positive for hpv so im on yearly review for 10 years but fortunately nothing to worry about for now xx