Supplements for reducing cervical dysplasia

Hi all

I was diagnosed with Cin-2 in December and am due back for a second colposcopy in July. I’ve been taking folic acid every day since December, quit smoking in November (when I got my letter telling me about my HPV!) and stopped taking the pill in December too, but was wondering if I could be doing more to “cure” myself…

I was wondering, as I have 5 weeks til my appointment, if there are any supplements that anyone has found help reduce cervical dysplasia? I’ve done a lot of research online and aside from folic acid, have seen b-12 and beta carotene mentioned a lot.

Any advice from anyone who’s tried the holistic route would be welcomed!

Thanks so much,

R x

Well done for making these changes and quitting smoking! You are giving your immune system the best chance to fight it off! You are prob already doing this already, but I don't think you can beat a healthy diet crammed full of veggies, fruit and leafy greens! Exercise also boosts the immune system and keeps you healthy. 

i also think that stress reduction is extremely helpful. Do what works for, meditation, quiet time with a good book, long walks.....

good luck! 

You can also try indol 3 carbinol as well as eating more brocolli , good luck!