CIN 2 regression and HPV Negative without LEEP

Hey ladies,
I wanted to share some good news! After 4 years of testing positive for high risk HPV, and having biopsy confirmed CIN 2 over the past 2 years, my HPV test finally came back negative. However, biopsy still showed CIN I cells. The gyno says it's good news, and it will take some time for cells to return to normal after HPV clearance. We'll check back in 6 months. Anybody else have this experience?

In any case, I made significant lifestyle changes over the past 6 months. If you're like me, and trying to avoid LEEP at CIN 2 grade, I'd like to share what I believe worked for me.

3 grams AHCC on completely empty stomach, abstain from eating for 2 hours after taking (6 months)
L. Crispatus strain oral probiotic - Jarro-Dophilus Women(3 months)
L. Crispatus strain suppository - Good Clean Love brand (10 days)
DIM + I3C (3 months)
Folate 400mcg + B12 200mcg (6 months)
Omega 3 fish oil (6 months)
Vitamin D 5,000 IU (6 months)

Breakfast: I ate oatmeal with chia & flax, and fruits high in vitamin c every day for breakfast, and added a ton of fresh spinach, kale, carrots, and turmeric to either lunch or dinner on most days.

I've always been athletic and fit, exercising around 5-6 times per week, and used to push myself to the max even when my body was too tired. Now I respect my body more, and give it time to rest. I feel a lot healthier and happier.

Mental Health
Dealing with HPV & Cervical Dysplasia can cause extreme stress and anxiety. If you're already a stress head on top of that, like I was, you're going to make yourself sick with worry. So here's what I did to improve my mental health. I believe this really helped with clearing HPV, but if it didn't, I'm glad I made these changes anyways.

Affirmations: I used to have a ton of negative self-talk that I didn't even realize. I always felt like I had to be skinnier, more successful, prettier and it wore me down over time. So every morning I decided to combat that with positive self talk in the form of affirmations and say to myself "I love you, and I'm going to give you everything you need to be happy and healthy." Find an affirmation that will help you!

Another important thing: Don't make lifestyle changes for the sole reason of curing HPV. If you are single-mindedly living your life to get rid of the virus, you'll be devastated if it doesn't happen, and your lifestyle will be unsustainable. Make lifestyle changes with the goal of being healthier and happier, nothing more.

To illustrate what I mean: When I first got diagnosed with CIN 2 I made the mistake of going completely balls to the wall aggressive on every health trend I could think of. I took a ton of supplements, went vegan, quit coffee, quit alcohol, exercised to the max. After 6 months, the HPV and CIN 2 was still there. Fast forward to 2020, and I decided to approach things differently. I didn't punish myself in order to clear HPV anymore, instead I nourished myself to heal. I also truly let go of the expectation to get rid of HPV. I knew the lifestyle changes I was making, both in my body and mentally meant that if CIN 2 & HPV was still there, at the very least I'd have a healthier mind & body. And that's no small thing!

So be kind to yourself, and choose the path that's right for you. If you want to go ahead with LEEP, that's also your choice and a very valid one at that. If you want try lifestyle changes first, make sure you do it in a sustainable, nourishing, and healthy way that doesn't cause you even more distress.

Hope this helps someone out there!


That is awesome news, I'm really pleased for you.

With regards to the diet/exercise - I agree.  I also went extreme plant-based a month ago (I was pretty much a vegan beforehand though).  However, I realise now that balance is key.  I'm going to eat healthily 90% of the time and the other 10% I'll eat whatever I feel like.  I think the odd meal out, sweet treat, celebration and glass of wine is good for your mental health.

Clearing CIN is and HPV will take a while, although my results are severe so I'm having the LLETZ anyway (better to be on the safe side).  In my case, having the LLETZ and diet/exercise is the best way to go.  

Onwards and upwards :-)
