Still CIN1 after Cold Coagulation

Hi everyone,

Back in 2021 I was having the mirena coil fitted and had my second smear at the time age 28. Colposcopy came back with HPV and minor abnormal cell changes. I had a biopsy and it confirmed CIN 1. We left it to see would it clear naturally, It didn’t clear and in February I had a cold coagulation. I just had the post Cold coag 6 month smear and ascus is still there, although apparently less than before but still. Im in the 10% or so that it didn’t work for. So I’m back on Thursday for another colposcopy and go from there. Im just so anxious and fearing the worst :cry: Has anyone had any experience of still having cell changes after a cold coagulation? Scared about having a Lletz and developing CC and my mind is just in overdrive. Would love to hear experiences. Thank you :pray:t2: