Stage 4 experience

yes, if it has spread, they can find it on your CT.when I got diagnosed I had a biopsy,a couple of internal exams ( both vaginal as well as rectal ),then 2x MRi,a PET CT and a regular CT scan. I had been bleeding for 4 months as well. I was sure The cancer had spread, I wis in a complete state of panic, it truly was awefull not knowing what was going on.

when will you get your Results?

Hi Izzy, just thought I’ll update you. I got the CT scan results and the radiologist report said no distant spread. I should be relieved but I’m wondering what are the other scans for like MRI and PET CT? Would the spread can be missed on a CT scan? The only concern was my left ureter is partially blocked causing my left kidney to swell or what they call hydrophrenosis. I think I will be needing a stent to relieve the blockage maybe also the reason for my left sided back pain. I was just referred to an oncologist which I have to wait 10 days to see. I guess my worry is would it make a significant change like cancer spreading in 10 days? I thought I can be seen quicker. Thanks again Izzy and sorry for all the questions.

That is fantastic news! I know it doesn’t feel like that but it is good news within this crappy situation.

Thecthe ten day period isn’t going to make a difference on cancer spreading. The doctors are working by specific guidelines and protocols, treatment has to start and finish within a certain period of time .

Have they mentioned any stage so far? Keep in mind that this is a very curable cancer, try to hold on to that. It won’t be a walk in the park but it is doable. And please aks as many questions as you like. You are not alone :heart::heart:

Are you from the UK?

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Hi Izzy, thank you for all the support and encouragement. It helps a lot. I’m in the US so I’m not sure how different things will go for me. Since I went private w my gynecologist she referred me to an oncologist which I called and set an appointment and the only opening is 10 days from now. No stage yet but the CT scan showing my left ureter is partially blocked might be the tumor pressing on it which I’m hoping is the case rather than the cancer spread to my bladder/ureter. My tumor size is 3.4cm I don’t know if that info would help. Also I just noticed that since the biopsy it seems the pain from my cervix worsened and the watery discharge is mixed w like brown almost black blood that is foul smelling which I don’t have before. Wondering if it’s just another symptom or an infection. :cry:

That is Quite common, the discharge and bloodloss, it increased for me about a week to ten days after my biopsy.

I believe the us works with the Figo standards and protocols too, which is good, they will definally set You up for treatment ASAP.
you will most likely get chemo and radiation wich works like a charm. it took just 6 weeks for the 44 ( almost 2 inches) mm tumoR I had to completely dissapear.

Hi Nicky, how are you now? My doctor suspects involvement of the bladder or 4a waiting for MRI. Did you have the same treatment as other stages or chemo first for the spread? Sorry for all the questions I’m just trying to get a picture of what I’m gonna go through. Thank you. Xx

I also at stage 4. I have gone through Chemo & Immunotherapy. Now, waiting for the PET CT Scan result. Did your doctor said its curable.