Spotting after sex 6 months since radical hysterectomy

Hi all,

Slightly worried about spotting after sex.  Just noticed it over the past few weeks, radical hysterectomy for 1b1 adenocarcinoma in June, so some 6 months post op.  At last check up I was told that there was a small area of 'overhealing' but nothing to worry about.  I'm hoping this might be the cause...

Just coming to terms with lymphedema diagnosis also.....Anyone with similar issues?



June '18 radical hysterectomy 1b1 adenocarcinoma

lymph nodes clear

Nov '18 lymphedema diagnosed

Hi Linda

I remember you having your op around the same time as me. Hope someone who has had similar can post some advice. I'd be ringing my CN for her opinion. You mention over healing? Think it can be related to granulated tissue which could cause these symptoms. Xx

Hi Helen,

Thanks for your reply.

Spoke to the nurse today who thinks that granulated tissue is most likely the cause, but got an appointment with consultant in a couple of weeks to check it out to be sure.



Please post how you get on. I'm back in January for next follow up. For some reason mine have been 4 monthly. Its such a worry beforehand 

Hi Helen,

My consultant used silver nitrate to seal the overhealing tissue, since then all seems ok.

Hope your January check up goes/went well. x

That's really good to hear. I had my follow up last Thursday. They found a polyp and removed it for testing so feeling a bit uneasy at the moment x

Hi Helen,

Sorry to hear about your polyp issue, hope all turns out to be fine.  Silver nitrate didn't seem to work and am struggling with lower back pain at the moment.    Hope you're ok. x

Hi Linda

I'm still waiting on results, they said up to 4 weeks and to try not to worry. Ohhh, if everything went straight forward.... have you had a chat with your nurse? I do think things move about settling down in the void for a while which could explain your back. Xx

Let me know how you get on,Helen.  My lymphedema therapist told me not to be impatient, the first year after surgery can be a volatile one!  Made me smile...x

Will do Linda. Haha, she hit the nail on the head with that statement xx

Hi Linda

Just got my result and it was benign granulated tissue. Hope you are doing okay? I'm next back for my 12 month check end of May xx

Hi Helen,

That’s really great news, you must be very relieved. My next appointment is March, so will get granulation tissue checked again then. Aches and pains are easing, am at Lymphedema clinic tomorrow - it’s mild and although a nuisance, manageable so far. 

Linda x

Hi Linda

Yes, very relieved as I didn't know what it was. Didn't half bleed when she just pulled it off. So you'll be 3/4 way through your 12 months in March? For some reason I've been 4 x monthly so next one is bang on my op anniversary. I didn't get the lymphedema, but sounds like you're keeping okay. 

Keep in touch and let me know how you get on. Xx