Smell/discharge after LLETZ

Hi ladies

I had my LLETZ/cone biopsy/loop (surgeon told me I had loop but paperwork says LLETZ and cone biopsy) last Monday, 7th Feb under GA

All went well - usual expected cramps on the day and day after etc

Day after surgery I think, I started to get a pasty/red/dark brown discharge with little brown flecks

Surgeon said this was due to the gauze that was put inside that dissolves…

This went on until maybe Friday just gone?

It’s since turned into a watery/dark brown discharge which is fine but the smell is strange….

I can’t get hold of my GP at the moment but I was going to keep an eye?

I feel fine otherwise, no cramps or pain or fever etc

I’ve read online that the discharge can be a strong smell, day 8 for me today as I say. Shall I give it benefit of the doubt and monitor it?

Thanks xx

Just want to add that the flecks of brown granule looking bits are still there too!

Thanks x

Hi Louise,

Did you end up getting in to see the doctor about it or did it resolve itself?

It’s been a while since you posted but my watery discharge had a smell to it too when I had LLETZ done in 2017 but it was faint/persistent and it never went away until the discharge itself stopped.

Thanks for checking in - appreciate it!

It did stop - I was over the moon!

I had swabs taken at my surgery but I never received my results? They seem to have got lost. I’m just thankful it stopped. The smell was horrendous!

I’m 3 weeks and 2 days post procedure now and seem to have a light period? I don’t feel concerned. I’m feeling better actually. Just waiting on biopsy results.

So glad that smell and dis have disappeared. I hope you are well x

Hi, I’m in the same situation. I can only explain the smell as a really old pad/tampon smell coming from your trash ya know? Just really strong. Not fishy like an infection. Just strong period blood. Was this what you experienced? I think I’m about 10 days post, still getting the black flakes but the smell just started 2 days ago and it’s strong. I’m so busy with kids, in school and work that I don’t want to waste time going in for nothing but if I don’t get some answers or relief I’m gonna have to.

I was the same /similar last week but I was concerned so went to the doctor and got some antibiotics. I got a swab taken and awaiting the results. Smell has gone thankfully and discharge no longer watery, lightly bloody but have started bleeding again (one week later). Not sure if that is normal? I sort of feel crampy again as though I’m having a period but it isn’t period blood. Going to keep an eye. Good you healed naturally.

Sorry, I misread your message. Smell only started for you… I’d give your doctor a call. I only spoke to mine over the phone and she prescribed the antibiotics. I’ve been getting other infections (ear and an insect bite, skin) the last few years and I didn’t want to risk this, why I was concerned. She left a swab at reception and said for me to do that when I came in to get the prescription so I didn’t actually have to see anyone if that maybe helps you seeing you’re so busy with the kids xo