smear phobia

I've just been for my smear (5th or 6th one in my life) and 2 EMCS at least in part due to tilted cervix. No history of any problems. No signs or symptoms of anything. I have just always hated them and been very anxious shaking etc but this time I just couldn't let her near me.Definitely got worse after 2 horrible labours and all the poking and prodding and telling me my cervix doesn't work properly.  This time I was in a right state (never been like that that before) just kept putting my hands in the way clamping my legs together. Totally awful and had to leave. I have another appt in a weeks time with instructions (and prescription) for 4mg of diazepam. Will it help? I've never walked out of one  before I've gone through with it. Any advice? She said if the diazapem won't work she has no idea what to do with me. Refused to discuss any other option. I had my last one at hospital and it was far better but they won't do them any more. I would pay for private if I meant I could have sedation/gas and air but this nurse said its absolutely not an option. I am in South Wales 

Have you considered hypnotherapy for a phobia? Just make sure you check out that they're fully insured and are registered with reputable regulatory and supervisory bodies like the CNHC. x

That's interesting I've just contacted a few hypnotherapists for quotes. 

any success stories with hypnotherapy out there? 

Just to let you know I am offered lorazepam for my examinations and its been amazing for me. If you haven't taken it before you might be surprised how effective it can be. I also had diazepam before my surgery as I was in a bit of a state and I was totally calm going into the operating theatre. It doesn't make you "out of it", you are in full control (important for me as an abuse survivor), but you are very calm and relaxed. 

I hope you'll find it as helpful as I have.

Take care x


I can certainly empathise with difficulties having a smear - I developed a phobia when I became menopausal and sadly I 'coped' by ignoring my screening invitations - see my back story.

It's not something I ever tried but one option is HPV self testing; kits can be bought on-line and can be found by googling on 'HPV self testing UK'.  If you test negative for HPV then you won't need a smear test but if you test positive then you will need a smear test - but you can cross that bridge IF you come to it. 

For a bit of further inforamtion you might be interested to look at following link:


NHS should let you have it at the hospital, or at sexual healh clinic if you would like, including under ga and air or even GA if you want.

i have heard many women say that relaxing drugs like the one you have been offered help but you won't know until you try if that is enough or not.

it looks like you have PTSD from trauma caused by past smear test poor experiences and birth trauma. maybe getting psychological support or finding someone you can talk about your past experiences with could help you? 

phobia is an irrational fear. she clearly has had multiple very bad, painful and violating experience from smears and other gynea & obstetrics treatment so her reaction is normal not phobic, probably more consistent with PTSD.

you may also want to look at your personal risk factors for cervical cancer and wether it is realy worth it suffering for smears. cancer research UK and the wrong side of the speculum have accurate info on risks of cancer and risks of smears.

another option would be to buy an HPV self testting kit from pharmacies such as superdrug. if it comes back HPV negative it means you don't need a smear for another 3 years.