Smear after colposcopy,



Just wondered if anyone has recently had their 6 month smear after having cells removed? Do they send out a reminder? Or do I need to book in? Is it done at my local nurse or will it be with the doctor who did the removal? I’m getting nervous now it’s due next month although I was lucky and no cancer was found it was worse than expected so honestly I didn’t really take in the info I was given afterwards about my follow up smears. I’m in Scotland so I’m not sure if that any different 


Yes I did and I got my results today actually after 12 days/ all clear . Yes I got a reminder exactly one month before and to book in with nurse , depending what the biopsy results said when you get results they tell you to go back to colposcopy for smear or the regular GP/nurse would be fine this is all based on results from biopsy though. Scotland will be different in the way things are done compared to England but generally it follows same you will have been told or will be told in your follow up test of cure smear letter which to go to Gp surgery or colposcopy