Scared after lletz, pain, sex & test for cure

Hi there, hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.
Just seeking advice and reasurance here, I had my lletz in sept for cin3 I got clear margins and discharged back to go for test for cure in 6 months. I keep getting sharp pains in my cervix and have had these since before my abnormal smear. I’m worried these are abnormal and a sign something was missed, it’s definitely my cervix and is a sharp stabbing pain that comes and goes quite fast. Does anyone else experience this? Also I haven’t had sex since July and I’m so scared to I’m only 28 but this whole thing has just petrified me I’m scared it will hurt or I’ll bleed I’m nearly 4 months post lletz but I’m still worried it’s fragile down there, and with my test for cure on the horizon I’m getting more and more worried. Anyone else feel this way?. X

Hi Elliebelly

i hope you enjoyed your Christmas! I know how you feel. I was scared to have sex again after my lletz and I waited the full 6 weeks before I did and spoke to my partner and just explained but it was all fine. No pain or bleeding however 3 months later I did bleed after and I found out that was due to having a polip on my cervix. My consultant said this is a common occurrence for women who have gas that type of procedure! It has since been removed but only a couple of days ago so haven't had sex again since.

i think you will be fine just go gentle :)