Return colposcopy- new symptoms and I’m scared

In July 2019 I had lletz treatment for CIN3 cells which came at me from completely out of the blue - I was scared and completely shocked. Unfortunately a week later I ended up in A&E with an infection which was quite traumatic but eventually I healed ok.

the lletz was successful with clear margins, and when I returned in December 2019 for my 6 month follow up colposcopy, it went relatively ok with results of CIN1 and hpv+, so to return in a year (which is in two weeks time)

I haven't been too worried this year but these past couple weeks I've been in panic mode. I have had a little bit of lower back pain (no idea if a symptom or if the fact I've been sitting on an uncomfortable dining room chair for the past 8 months having to work from home because of Covid) and then my bigger worry is that at the weekend I inserted two fingers inside me (for genuinely about 10 seconds) and then the following day had the smallest amount of blood. The two days following (yesterday and today) I have had a kind of period pain (not a period) and a very very slight pink discharge about once/twice a day.

I was feeling so positive and now this in the couple of weeks leading up to my appointment I just am expecting the worse, even cancer? I'm worrying about it all the time now. I'm wondering whether to call the hospital and see if I can bring the colposcopy forward - even though it's only in 13 days.

I haven't been sexually active this year so it's impossible for me to know if I would be bleeding after sex.

I'm just feeling really emotional and scared. I don't want to expect the worse but I also don't want to presume everything will be ok. I could handle another lletz but I don't know what I'll do if I get diagnosed with CC, I'm only 31 with no partner and no kids yet - I'm just scared.

would love any advice?