Results: Low grade pre-cancerous/high risk HPV

Hi all


I had a smear test done and when the sample was taken, there was blood (then started my period after), and the nurse said that it would probably be inadequate and I would have to have another one done.

The results came back and they found low grade pre-cancerous cells and I also tested positive for high risk HPV. I am awaiting a colposcopy appt. My logical mind is telling me that there's nothing too serious to be worried about yet. However, it keeps playing on my mind and I just want this to be dealt with as soon as possible in case the situation is a lot worse than expected. 

To make matters a bit more complicated, I had a copper coil inserted in May (haven't been with anyone since so I must have had HPV at the time). I had a STD test before as normal however I think that HPV isn't detected on a standard STD test. 

Since the copper coil has been in I've had some typical symptoms of bleeding in between periods (mine are irratic anyway due to PCOS). At the moment, I'm getting a brown-ish discharge which I would usually assume was the coil but now I'm concerned that it's something worse.

However, if it was something worse, it would have been picked up in the smear?

Also, ever since I have known that I would need a colposcopy, I've been so aware of any twinge or pain in the abdominal area. Which I don't know if it's psychological or actually something I should be listening to!

Basically, I wanted to put my situation out there and see if there was anyone in a similar situation.

My next question would be how the hell can I get rid of HPV!!! Should I also ask for a more urgent appointment as I've been feeling a bit of pain?


Thanks in advance



Hi Sarah! I also have just been told that I have HPV virus and abnormal smear results, and I too am bricking it!

it doesn't really help that my mum died of cervical cancer aged 49, and I was always dreading this news.

I have also had discharge and on and off bleeding, but my GP assures me that everything is fine and that once I have had the precancerous cells removed, it'll all go away.

I too have been aware of each twinge or pain.

I think when someone mentions the c word, it's just naturally worrying, but keep telling myself that there are plenty of people who have survived it. That's what we need to remember, I guess.

Also, it means that they will keep a regular check on us from now on.

unfortunately, you never stop having HPV, but it is incredibly common.

Please keep in touch on here, as I am feeling a little overwhelmed with all of this stuff .

I will keep positive, if you will too. :-)


I've messaged you :)

Hey - how are you both doing? I got the same results today and I’m completely petrified :/ x