Results: CIN 3 due for biopsy, 32 and trying to get pregnant

I am still in disbelief after having my gynae speak to me yesterday. I had a pap smear three years ago and my gynae then had told me everything was well and I didn’t need to worry about having kids in future. My husband is a doctor and he said protocol for smears in 2-3 years and so this year I got one done as part of my checkup as we have been trying to get pregnant with no luck. I was bracing myself for some fertility issue but was slammed with news that my pap smear showed abnormal cells- HSIN, CIN3. My new doctor just called me and told me in a cheerful tone that I had to go for a biopsy to identify if it is cancer. I have not stopped crying since. I managed to get home before crumbling and google didn’t help in alleviating my fears. My amazing husband has been very sweet and has tried to simplify the terms for me. He seems very optimistic but nothing I read makes CIN 3 sound less than terrifying. I have wanted kids all my life and I just got diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes which completely threw me off last year and now this. I read about CC, hysterectomy and being childless and I am completely shattered at the possibilities. Prior to this I was just envious of every woman around me who got pregnant and now I am facing the possibility of cancer and childlessness.

Hi Faith,

I'm sorry to hear your news. But...CIN3 doesn't mean cancer, it can be removed safely and effectively, please don't worry! When is your next appointment? X

I', 31 and I had a colposcopy that showed CIN 3 cells and had a cone biopsy a few months ago to remove those cells. The cone biopsy came back as noncancerous but they weren't able to remove all the the abnormal cells so there is a potential that I may have to have the procedure done again if my next pap smear comes back abnormal. Hearing CIN 3 and reading all of these stories online can be terrifying. Yes, there is a potential that it could be cancer but often times it is not. Try not to fret until you know more. Even if you do have to have a cone biopsy and have to have it repeated to remove everything abnormal, you can still get pregnant with a shortened cervix but you'll have to take extra procautions with your pregnancy because there is a risk of pre term labor or miscarriage. With the gynocologist knowing that you have a shortened cervix, they are able to monitor things more closely and help prevent that from happening.