Really scared confirmed CIN3 - How will they know if this is cancer?

Hey ladies, I really hope you can help me. I have fought for months and months to get a smear test due to severe abdominal pain to the point of where I couldn't go to work. They told me it was down to my polycystic ovaries but I wasn't happy with the outcome as the pain was so bad. I eventually got seen (after being told more than three times that I was too young to have cancer)and the results came back two days later and said they needed me in for a colcoscopy and biopsy. As soon as the doctor looked she confirmed straight away they were CIN3 cells. She explained the biopsy would be sent off to the lab to confirm this. The biopsy has confirmed that they are in fact CIN3 and severe. I spoke with the nurse today and I asked her if this would mean they know if these cells had actually developed into cancer. She told me that she didn't want to give me false hope and said that she cannot confirm that it hasn't developed into cancer until I have the operation to remove them. I am so confused, can someone please explain to me how they are able to tell if the cells have developed into cancer? Will they be able to tell when doing the procedure? Over the last few months I have been in and out of hospital so often, so I've had many blood tests taken and procedures done like transvaginal scans, an ultrasound scan and a colonoscopy. Would any of these have shown if I had something to worry about cancer wise? I'm obviously really worried like everyone on here and just feel so uninformed about everything. I carry the BRCA1 cancer gene which consists of breast and ovarian cancer and had a double mastectomy when I was 20 which they completely messed up, so I feel very scared alone and anxious about the duty of care I have received in recent years. Thanks xxx

Hi Hollie

sorry to hear you have had to fight to get a smear test but it is good you kept pushing. 

When I went for my colposcopy they could tell I had abnormal cells, I called the dr a few days later and she thought CIN 3 I think the only way they can tell if it has developed into cancer is when they sent the biopsy as they need to see if it has gone into the deeper tissue. have they offered you LLETZ procedure?

Hiya. Im going through the same at mo. Im going in on monday for GA I dont even really no whats happening.  All im aware of js they will grow it n then i will no if its cancer. Good luck  sorry i cant help much ive joined tonight for some support  :(

Hiya. Im going through the same at mo. Im going in on monday for GA I dont even really no whats happening.  All im aware of js they will grow it n then i will no if its cancer. Good luck  sorry i cant help much ive joined tonight for some support  :(


Yes I have the LLETZ on the 13th under general anesthetic. 

I now understand they actually cannot tell until it's done.

It's just horrible and I am really anxious.

Wish it would all just go away :(

What happened on your journey? xx

Hi Hollie

Try not to worry too much, I promise it won't be as bad as you think. It is likely they will do a couple of routine tests beforehand such as blood pressure and blood tests then the anaesthtist will come and have a chat with you. If you are getting the anaesthetic in through a drip on your hand you can ask for numbing cream if you're scared of needles. I had a cone biopsy which is only a 15 min procedure so guessing the LLETZ will be similar or less time. They will have you in a recovery area after your procdure to allow you to wake up. Back on the ward they will hopefully give you some food and something to drink and monitor your blood pressure etc. I was home the same day. X