Results are in :-) CIN 3

I thought I’d post for those going through similar to give hope.
You can see from my signature I’ve had some abnormal discharge and post coital spotting. So when my smear came back severely abnormal I felt like my world came crashing in. I was convinced I was going to have bad news…

I had a massive bleed yesterday with large clots (2wks post Lletz) and was seen at colposcopy today. Dr was really lovely and showed me on screen that cervix had healed beautifully, but just below it was some granulomatous tissue that he reckons formed a hematoma that burst. Still bleeding, but MUCH lighter… He says that will resolve as I continue to heal.

The best news however…
My results were in and he confirmed CIN 3 and no cancer! I could of kissed him!!
He said one corner went straight to margin of excision, but he’s confident the diathermy would of got the last bit and all looked well today. Been discharged. Test for cure smear in 6months…

I asked how the changes happened to quickly as last smear was normal. He said it is MUCH more likely my last smear wasn’t preformed properly…
Will def be making sure I see the most recent nurse again for my next smear!!

Keep hope ladies!!!

Congratulations! I'm really happy to hear that.  what a relief for you!

Thank you x