Referred to hospital for coloscopy - no smear results

Yes exactly that! They called me back and said that the results were put in the post when the appointment was logged, so I got the digital appt first.

She said CIN3 so LLETZ it is! I’ll probably get the rest of my biopsy results tomorrow.

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Least you know what to expect!! Roll on the LLETZ, more healing and hopefully good news in the end for you!! :crossed_fingers:t4:

@JLD how are you doing? Have you had your LLETZ yet? If so I hope your recovery is going as well as it can

Hi! Thanks so much for checking in. I had my LLETZ on Friday and felt largely ok (except exhausted!) on Friday and Saturday. Cramping and bleeding started on Sunday! Hopefully it won’t last too long, and hopefully this is the last waiting game for results!!

How are you doing now?

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Brill, that’s good then another step ticked off! Glad your not suffering with the healing process, yeah the exhaustion is something else I couldn’t stop falling sleep :joy:

I’m doing good, I’ll be 7 weeks post LLETZ this week, I’m back at the gym I still get the odd twinge / cramp but nothing unmanageable! Hopefully your results come quick and this is the last waiting game for a while! Let us know when you get your results!

So far I’m enjoying not thinking about it but every now and then I get a pang of I really hope in September when I have my smear check up that it comes back ok because I really don’t want to go through this again mentally but I suppose it’s where we are!

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So glad to hear you’re feeling largely better and able to put it from your mind! There’s always that niggle, isn’t there, but hopefully six months passes quickly and you’ll get the all clear!

I’m struggling today with a migraine and generally feeling “bleh”, but I haven’t really seen anything about headaches and LLETZ so maybe that’s an unfortunate coincidence.

Yeah it’s really annoying isn’t it! I think overall I just felt not 100% constantly, the migraines might be caused by additional blood loss if you’ve bled more in a month than you normally would, im trying to remember if I had headaches but I can’t remember it seems like a blur, I took iron supplements I know that but that’s Cus I always get headaches and feel exhausted during my period, maybe try that if it continues! Got my fingers crossed for your results!

Iron is a great shout, thanks! I had the hormonal coil for almost 5 years before getting it removed during the LLETZ and have been one of the lucky ones without periods, so it’s a bit of a shock to the system :joy:

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Just checking in, how are you? X