Recurring abnormal cells - 6 months

Hi guys- appreciate some advice and thoughts.

29 and had cold coagulation last August for HPV and CIN II. During my 6 month check up HPV and borderline nuclear changes detected. So upset waiting another 6 months for another smear and then colposcopy and LLETZ if needed.

I find myself feeling so negative - and that I’m going to have long term issues/ repeated treatment. I also wanted to start trying to conceive this year so it’s horrible having to put that on hold.

Any advice and perspective really welcomed!!

Hello, did they asked you not to try for a baby now? And wait 6 months ? It just seems a bit extreme for borderline results.
Couldn’t they do a colposcopy now and give you a better plan , maybe if you explain that you want to start trying now.
Maybe a second opinion would be a good idea or a private colposcopy so you can get further advice.