Really anxious

Sorry to post again but im really winding myself up and just can’t seem to get any reassurance and have completely convinced myself something is really wrong.
2015-HPV+ No changes
2016- Cin3. Large portion of cervix removed by lletz
2017-now- smears clear, HPV negative

In Jan i started bleeding following sex. I shrugged it off as a random period as i am on the pill and take it continuously due to other gynae stuff. Dont have periods normally
Bleeding stopped after 10 days, then had a week off but then started bleeding again after sex for two weeks. Went to the doctor who sent me urgent referral to colposcopy.
Still have no idea why but the consultant did a smear whilst there and not a biopsy, despite seeing cell changes. Told me they may not allow smear as it was early and advised it may take 4-6 weeks. Referred for US scan, which is this weekend.
Bled a lot during colposcopy and have continued to spot/bleed/pass large amounts of discharge since. GP advised taking pill free break to ‘give myself a period’ but stopped for a few days so kept taking. Bleeding started again randomly on Monday so have been having pill free break since. Still no period but random spotting/bloody discharge.
I feel really moody, bloated, have been suffering itching and nappy type rash from using pads.
Absolutely fed up and terrified as i am going away next week for 2 weeks and i dont know whether to cancel in case its bad news and plus just depressed i keep bleeding all the time.
I never bleed. Ive had light spotting on the odd occasion over the 20 years ive been on the pill but never lasted more than a couple of days.
Im just terrified now and worried smear comes back as hpv+ and they just monitor.
Sorry to rant but it just infuriates me that if you have any gynae symptoms, you just feel fobbed off and told to put up with it.
Would be really reassuring if anybody experienced similar with positive outcome