Punch biopsy, 17 weeks pregnant

Hi, just looking for a bit of advice. 


I had my first smear at the beginning of November, we started ttc the week after. I had a colposcopy mid 2016, and no issues were found, so had naively just thought everything would be fine. I got my results end of Nov, positive for high risk hpv and minor dysplasia, I broke down, and straight away did a pregnancy test even though I wasn't due on for 3 days. It was positive.

Fast forward, January I had a colposcopy and they believe the changes are worse than the smear indicated. They recommended postponing a biopsy until after 12 weeks.

The week of the biopsy I recieved a letter to say it had been postponed until march 7th. I've since found out I'm carrying a little girl, after two boys, I couldn't be happier.

So my question is, I am a very anxious person anyway, and I'm am absolutely petrified of doing anything at all, however small that could put my baby girl at risk!

Im going to go to the appointment on Wednesday, and request that they still go ahead with the colposcopy, but not the biopsy, unless they deem it completely necessary. And reschedule this for between 28 & 30 weeks, so if it were to cause an infection that posed a risk to the baby/preterm labour the baby is atleast viable and would have a fighting chance. 

Is this acceptable, seeing as they can't do any treatment whilst I'm pregnant anyway, so will have to wait until after the birth by which time I'd have the results from the biopsy? 

Someone please tell me I'm doing the right thing! 

Thanks x 


Hi. I’m not sure what the correct thing to do is but if it were me I’d be postponing until after I’d given birth. Purely because I’ve been through premature labour once already (I have a 32 weeker) and it was the worst time of my life. If there was even a 1% chance I could cause that again I just wouldn’t do it. 

Obviously don’t take my advice as what is medically the best thing to do for you, i just wanted to put it out there how I feel as a preemie mum. We were hoping for one more child but now my risk of premature labour is even higher than previous, we are considering not trying again at all. 

Congratulaions on your girl. I’m a two boy mum too. I can’t imagine having a girl! X

Thank you, I would prefer to wait until after birth if they will let me! I am so worried, going to just see what they say tomorrow and hopefully when the colposcopist has a look there won't have been any changes and they will be happy to wait!

Im struggling to enjoy this pregnancy, with this going on in the background, but whilst it would be lovely to have an answer as to what I'm dealing with, Im just not willing to put my baby at risk unless it's a last resort. 

Thank you for your advice and good luck with everything if you do decide to try for a third!