Pre scan anxiety

I know I know… this has been talked about many times… just writing it down to calm down.

So 3 month MRI on 23rd Feb and as it comes closer im feeling more anxious. Doesnt help ive been trapped in the house since Sunday - thank you Covid.

Im trying not to comfort eat or drink. My head is busting, my chest feels like a weight is on it and im on edge. Hubby at work, wont be home until 11.30pm.
Ive no work next week to distract me either! Im usually celebrating half term.

I know this is normal but argh!!!

Oh Shammy,

I know how you feel, this is a long long journey with many hurdles to get over but we have face each one, one at time. Some we will get over some we may not .
Scans are necessary we all know that, we all hope and pray :pray: that the news will be positive but we also wonder how will we cope if it’s not. Well we’ll cope because we have no choice.
You’ve coped so far and you will continue to do so, you are positive and strong and remember the odds are on your side.
Dont spend time worrying about things you cant change live in the here and now.
The odd glass of :wine_glass: also helps.

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Bless you thank you

These moments of blind panic just spring from nowhere - for no real reason I can think of.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. You’ve helped more than you know x

Hope everything goes well in your scan. I will be thinking about you, sending hugs your way xx