9 month post treatment scans coming up, in a bit of a funk

Hey guys, not really sure why I’m posting this but I have my scans coming up next week and my anxiety has all of a sudden gone through the roof. I’ve spent the past 3 months pretty much forgetting about treatment and cancer, and then I get the letter with an mri appointment and it all comes flooding back! Bleurgh!! xxx


Hi OldRed… I know exactly what you mean!!! I have just been through this with my 1 year MRI scan and anxiety doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt… I was beside myself with imagination running rampant and just when life stuff was all starting to feel normal again!!! My 1 year scan was the first scan I’d had in 9 months so I had convinced myself of the worst possible outcome…anyway, I am very pleased to say all was well and I really hope it is for you too. Good luck xxx


Oh I’m so so glad it went well for you hun! Yay!!:partying_face::heart: It’s ridiculous how our minds make up the worst case scenarios isn’t it! Even though I know I feel ok, and it’s very unlikely anything’s changed I’m convinced it’s back with a vengeance. Every ache and pain seems to multiply just before a scan it due. Thank you so much for replying, I think I just needed to vent a little! I like it when the appts and hospital letters go quiet, it means we can forget for a little bit!:joy::kissing_heart: xxx

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Thanks :smile: Oh yes but when we forget for too long it comes back to bite us!! I know exactly what you mean by the aches and pains magnifying before a scan! Luckily I had my follow up appointment four days after the scan so didn’t have time to drive myself completely mad!! And they said that unless anything changes or I get new symptoms, I shouldn’t need further scans!!! I hardly dare hope that will be the case!! Please let us know how you get on and I hope that everything is fine xxx


Omg congrats lovely!!! That’s amazing news!!! And… breathe😘 although I know that’s easier said than done! Oh I know, I’d rather have scans and checks ups galore than have anything go unnoticed or missed. I’d pay any amount of money for a magic wand though to bypass everything and go straight to the never having to get into a hospital gown again! Thank you so much doll, I’ll let you know how things go. I have my scan on Monday and then I have my appt with my consultant on the 21st, it’s gonna be a long couple of week! xxx

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I know what you mean…we panic when we have scans and we panic if we don’t! We can’t win! :joy: :grin:


So I had my appt yesterday. As soon as I went in my consultant wanted to examine me, which sent alarm bells ringing as usually he talks me through my scan results before he has a look. The exam went well, he couldn’t see or feel anything, phew! But after he said that there was an area on my mri around the site of the original tumour that was showing up as ‘grey’ and that he was surprised he couldn’t see anything because the scans looked like something was ‘hanging down from my cervix’?:confused: I’m being discussed at the next mdt, and he said although it’s unlikely the bugger is back I may need further scans and then surgery. Feeling a bit apprehensive for the first time in a while​:pensive: x

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Hi OldRed … so sorry your appointment has understandably left you feeling anxious. The positive is that if there is anything, thank goodness they’ve found it early and hopefully are able to treat it with surgery. It also may be nothing to be concerned about as they couldn’t see anything during your examination. I will keep my fingers tightly crossed for you xx

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The mdt aren’t sure what’s going on either, so I’m going to have a CT scan to try and get a better look😬 does anyone know what the difference between a CT and an MRI is? I know I probably sound really dumb but I thought the MRI was the more detailed scan? I try not to google so don’t want to look it up myself😂 x

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Hi @OldRed ,

Lovely how are you? Did you get more answers by now? I hope they were able to put your mind at ease. Xx

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Hey hun, I’m good thank you, how are you doing? No answers yet, I had the CT scan 2 weeks ago today, so I’m really hoping someone updates me soon!!:crossed_fingers: I think I’m gonna give it until Monday and then start chasing things up, it seems to be taking forever! I like to think no news is good news, but we all know that’s not always how it works lol. I really hope you’re doing well lovely xxx

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Have you managed to get any answers yet for what you’re going through chick? xxx

Hello lovely, we’re kinda on the same boat. I’m also awaiting results. They also did a Pap smear which they said would take up to 2 weeks for results and will go from there. Doesn’t get easy and the wait is awful. But let’s just hang in there and live each day to the fullest. Please keep us posted. Keep your head high. You’re amazing and very strong! Xx

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Aw same to you sweetpea😘 hopefully we’ll both get some idea of what’s going on very soon! Take care hun, and let us know when you get your results. I’ll be rooting for you!! xx

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Hey guys​:heart: my consultant called me this evening. The CT showed up a couple of swollen lymph nodes in my tummy, and one in my neck. I was a little shell shocked and completely forgot to ask what was going on with my cervix​:roll_eyes::see_no_evil: he’s referring me for a pet scan, so more waiting. Not really sure what to make of everything at the moment xxx

Hi @OldRed hun, I’m sorry that you’re in this position of just worrying uncertainties. As far as I know swollen lymph nodes could be a lot of things aside from cancer so try not to worry as much until you have the pet scan to confirm. Maybe give your consultant a call to also ask about your cervix. I know waiting sucks it’s always the most difficult to deal with. What I’ve been doing w it on my case is to use the time just try to eat healthy lots of veggies and cancer fighting food and rest plenty and go on walks to give my body a chance to recoup. Please keep us posted. Sending you a big hug and all the love. Xx

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That’s not what we want to hear, is it? It just extends the anxiety and maybe for no good reason at the end of the day :cry:

Just breathe through it, no matter what is going on there will be a plan and a regaining of your peace of mind. You and I will be doing the PET scan around the same time. I’m going in on the 13th. I wish we could just get our answers right away, I’m sorry hon you have this worry :heart:


Thank you so much for your replies lovelies xx @May17 I’m gonna follow your lead I think and try and eat healthy, and exercise more. Apart from anything else it makes you feel better in yourself if you do☺️ @Lovewinz best of luck with your scan hun! Let us know how you get on! Yes I think around the 12th is probably when I’ll be scanned too, so at least neither of us will be alone waiting for the results! xxx

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PET scan booked for tomorrow :grimacing: xx

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Just a quick side note - if anyone reading this has been newly diagnosed, or has just finished treatment, please know that I think my consultant is just being overly cautious. I’ve always been extremely anxious and I also like a whinge lol, so every scan or ache and pain feels like the end of the world sometimes. Apart from the nerves I feel fit and healthy, so I’m pretty sure I’m worrying over nothing xxx