Post follow up pain

Hello lovely ladies… sending you all lots of love :heartpulse:

I had my 2 year post diagnosis follow up on Wednesday (was stage 3c treated with chemorads and brachy, NED since August 2021), I was examined as usual and no sign of cancer thankfully, she said that even the scar tissue is now heaps better and there’s only a small area of radiotherapy changes and scar tissue deep into my cervix which is amazing news, I also had a CT scan in April which was all clear.

Since my examination however I’ve been getting sudden sharp almost like electric shock type pains every now and then inside my vagina… just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar?

Thank you so much and lots of love xxx

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Hi @Clairey1610
Are u still having the pains and did u ever find out what’s causing it? I’ve been getting pains for a few weeks now that only seem to be getting worse.

Hi Andrea, oh bless you sorry to hear that sending you lots of love

No not really they come every now and again but haven’t had them for a couple of weeks

What type of pain is it?

Lots of love xx