Pain and discharge 1 year on

Hi all,
Just a bit of a quickie as for the last couple of weeks I was searching for the issue on the forum and not much joy but worth speaking about because of the usual worries we all get. I was Adenocarcinoma 2b - interlace trial , pre chemo, Chemo-radiation and 4 rounds of Bracchy, which ended April 2022.

So for the last month or so I was having period like cramps (well past menopause, so not that) I had been noticing that when wiping it felt different and then suddenly had a large discharge (no blood) this was happening every other evening, cramps and discharge. And you know what it’s like! you start looking at the list of symptoms that indicate reoccurrence, and getting your head into a space it doesn’t need to be in.

Anyway I had had my MRI the week before and knew my next appointment was coming up. I did call my CNS and had a chat with her and they were getting my scan results through a bit earlier if they could, and try not to worry as appointment was but a few days away.

Fast forward to the appointment seems there is fluid gathering, and the space for it to come out has got rather small and as such causing the cramps as it tries to get rid of it.

So next steps surgeons to see if they can do something about clearing me out! everything else is normal not to worry and see you again in 3 months. Hurrah! :slight_smile:
so always worth following up if things are not “alright” for you and hopefully chances are its nothing to worry about- but don’t leave it talk to the hospital.
hope this helps someone
Peps x


Im glad its not a reccurence.I bet you were so worried,i would have been too! Xx