Pain and bleeding after sex

 Hi all

I came to this forum back in January when I was first diagnosed with 1B cervical cancer and absolutely beside myself with fear, the support I received was amazing so I'm back for more if possible please.

I had a radical hysterectomy with lymph node removal in March. Fortunatly histology came back clear so now on 3 monthly check ups. All good on my first check up back in July.

However this month I have started getting a pain during sex and then a small bleed, prior to this I didn't have any pain. 

I'm terrified now that the cancer has come back, the only symptom I really noticed prior to diagnosis was pain during sex. The pain is in a different location now though. 

My next appointment is in 4 weeks time and we are away on holiday in for 2 of those.

Has anyone had any experience of this?

Many thanks


Hi Laura

I would recommend calling your clinical nurse specialist about your symptoms. A few months ago, I had an 'out of the blue' ?vaginal bleed and the first thing I did was call my Macmillan nurse.  I had to leave a message on the answerphone and she kindly phoned me up the same evening (out of hours) and helped make sense of things.  She also got me an urgent appointment with the oncologist, within a few working days of my call.  In my case, it appears nothing sinister was going on and I was simply advised to increase my use of vaginal moisturiser. But I was advised to contact them promptly, if I got another episode of bleeding. 



Thank you Jazza, good advice xx