Pain after LLETZ, help!

Hi everyone,

Just looking for some help/support. I had my LLETZ procedure on 13th Jan and to cut a long story short was admitted to hospital on 22nd Jan with heavy bleeding and discharged next day on antibiotics and iron tablets. They applied pressure to my cervix and resealed the bleed with silver nitrate. I’ve just finished my course of antibiotics but I’m still experiencing pain.
One week on I’ve got virtually no discharge now and no bleeding yet since they resealed it all. I find that everytime I do anything active even doing the weekly food shop I start to cramp and get stabbing pains around my cervix like bad period pain. Bad enough I need to sit down and stop. Did anyone else experience this? I’m so fed up. My GP has just signed me off for two more weeks as I’m a nurse and on my feet all day.
I’m 29 and normally go the gym 4 times a week and never stop moving. I can barely walk a mile at the moment before the pains start.
I’m also terrified of overdoing in and restarting the bleed.