No LLETZ results 6 weeks after

Hi guys, 

Backstory, I've had yearly smears from my first smear as HPV has always been present.

This time I had cells, had colscopy punch biopsy came back CIN2-CIN3 and also a glandular change, went in on 4th March and had double LLETZ. Consultant told me I had the right to decline but she wasn't letting me walk out without treatment because of the glandular change (obviously in a joking way). All fine, they said 4-6 weeks for results, I'm now on 6 weeks. Saw my gyno yesterday (long term issues with bleeding/pain/contraception) she couldn't advise if any results had come in, my gp has only had the letter to say I've had the procedure and there is no direct number that I can find for the colscopy clinic. 

I don't think I would be so worried if it wasn't for the glandular change. 

Has anyone else experienced similar? 

I go for a fibroadenoma removal on Thursday and have to isolate 14 days after so worried I won't be able to go in if they call me 

Hi lovely, could you call your hospital main line and get transferred to colposcopy? X

Hey, hope you're well!

The waiting is the worst, but I've been calling the switchboard at the hospital I've had treatment and asked to be put through the colposcopy department there, and they've been able to have a look to see if any results have been received yet.

im not sure what part of the country you're in, but I'm in the north east and currently on week 9 of waiting, I called yesterday and the lab hasn't processed the results yet. The lady said the lab is very short staffed and experiencing long delays. Xx

Thank you all, finally managed to get through to the Colsp secutary today, she said results are there but consultant is yet to view them so she will ask her to do that tomorrow and write it up. I asked if she could call me as I'm getting nervy about it she said yep that's no problem. Then she said just looking at it she'll probably want to call you anyway! - I have no idea what that means so think I'm more stressed than before! Fingers crossed consultant calls tomorrow and I know what I'm dealing with. It's more the not knowing. 

I'm in the north east too and counted the weeks between my referral and treatment ( Lletz confirmed by secretary but not by nurse) and worked out was 17.5. The target is 18, so I suspect they are rather pushed. Waiting is horrible and I have had some really bad miscommunication too.

this virus is a bitch and if I ruled the world there would be blanket vaccination for anyone who wanted it. 

good luck on your results x 

That is so insensitive 

ffs :( 

why say anything if it will worry you. Sorry, ranting 

Hey guys, 

So the consultant called me this morning. She said it isn't clear from the wording in the report if they got it all so will discuss at the monthly meeting next week wether it's best to repeat the procedure or wether to smear again in 6 months so it's another wait and see, guess I'm lucky my results came in so soon to the meeting but will wait and see. 


I'll update when I know more 


Hi all, I've just received another colsp appointment through for in 10 days, I'm guessing they need to repeat the LLETZ or discuss options. There's no indication on the letter but I will call them tomorrow to see if they can tell me anything. Has anyone had similar to this? 

 Hi kjays,

I hope you get to find out tomorrow. I've just had my second LLETZ and it was much easier than the first. I think part of it was knowing what to expect, but even recovery has been much easier.



Thanks for replying! I called the Colps clinic this morning & the system states repeat treatment. Looks like I'm having a 2nd LLETZ next week. Not so worried about the procedure itself just what happens next if this doesn't work. Fingers crossed eh? Now I just have to deal with my reaction to the wait and see 

Good luck lovely ?