No cell changes at smear to CIN 2 in 6 months

Hi all. Wondering if anyone has had the same experience as me and what their outcome was/what they decided to do.

I had my smear in September, results came back as positive for high risk HPV, TZ sampling absent and negative cytology.

Prior to this, my discharge hadn’t returned to a normal state after having my baby towards the end of 2022 (took a good 10 weeks for the post partum bleeding to fully stop). I saw the dr about this in July 2023, prescribed antibiotics and again in Nov 2023 and prescribed pessaries. In Dec 2023 I started spotting after sex and in between periods, and also had severe back pain. Went to GP about it in Jan who was concerned about the look of my cervix, said possible ectropion but made referral for colposcopy to be sure a due to my other symptoms.

I had my colposcopy on 19 March. They called another consultant in after applying the liquid which was a heart in throat moment! The colposcopist wasn’t overly concerned about a very very small patch that showed up and they took some punch biopsies to be sure. They said if the biopsies came back as not suitable (they were tricky to get) she wasn’t concerned and would keep me on the 1 year smear recall. She confirmed ectropion which was treated.

Fast forward to last week, I hadn’t had any results so checked my NHS app (again!) and it finally showed the colposcopy results as CIN 1, no letters to confirm this or next steps. I checked again over the weekend and found a short letter apologising for the delay, stating I had CIN 1 and focal CIN 2 not excluded and they had referred my case to MDT to agree on the best follow up. I’m currently waiting for the outcome and if I haven’t heard more this week,will contact the department at the end of the week to find out when I will know more.

Has anyone else gone from no changes detected at smear to CIN 2 in 6 months? Was it likely CIN 2 was there all along but not picked up in September? Has anyone else had CC symptoms which has led to discovering abnormal cells?