newly diagnosed


I received my diagnosis yesterday of adenosquamous carcinoma. I’m 34 with a 6mth old little boy. My hospital failed to pick it up during pregnancy and my gp practise in the months following! I’m waiting on MRI to confirm stage but it’s estimated at the moment to 1b. Any advice on how to stop my mind going into overdrive!? 


I have been in exactly the same position as you for the last three weeks, waiting and going out of my mind with worry. You've definitely come to the right place for support, there are some amazing ladies on here that have been through it all and have been a great strength to me. Im 36 and  had clear smears up until November last year, the diagnosis of 1b cancer came as a  mighty blow! I've finally had results from MRI scan which shows no spread and I'm due to have a hysterectomy soon. I'm the worst worrier in the world when it comes to things like this but as the ladies on here kept reassuring me, 1b is early stage, its been caught early and is very treatable.  Now I have answers I'm so much calmer, again as the ladies on here told me I would! I know it's hard but focus on and enjoy looking after your little boy, I have a 4 year old and those early months fly by! Talking to friends is also a great help. Wishing you all the very best xx

I’m also in a similar situation, diagnosed today with 1b, I’m 30 and  I don’t have any children so the possible procedures they are thinking of doing are either a cone procedure or a trachelectomy to try and give me the option to have children in the future. Mixed bag of emotions relieved to get a diognosis and it’s early stage hasn’t spread and is treatable but also hearing the words makes everything very real. Couldn’t agree more the waiting is agony and sent me insane I had to wait a week after having my mri and blood tests done i jsut tried to keep busy I hated the fact cancer was ruling my life for the past 3 months while I’ve had tests and waited around. This site is a good source for support xx

Thank you ladies, im really struggling with this diagnosis. Im stuck on the fact that this wasnt picked up sooner because if it was, i wouldnt be needing the treatment and having to deal with everything else that comes with it. I hate that i have to suffer at the mistake of others and am grieving the loss of things that i shouldnt have to at my age. I keep being told that i need to be positive and to choose my battles but right now i just want someone to hurt the same as i am. Does that make any sense? xx

Hi sorry to hear your story. I have just gone they the same as you,I'm 31 had clear smear in june and then got diagnosed squamous cancer in Nov. Lletz dec showed 1b1 and scans showed no spread. I think it's appalling how this wasn't picked up earlier as u say a recent smear in the same year too! I had a radical hysterectomy 22nd jan for not getting clear margins after my lletz.I've just recieved news that no futher treatment is needed just close monitoring for the next 5 yrs. Fingers crossed your staging stays the same,I was told 1b1 before scans and too was worried but they seem pretty much on target with there staging as mine stayed a 1b1 after scans too. Fingers crossed for you! 



Hi sorry to hear your story. I have just gone they the same as you,I'm 31 had clear smear in june and then got diagnosed squamous cancer in Nov. Lletz dec showed 1b1 and scans showed no spread. I think it's appalling how this wasn't picked up earlier as u say a recent smear in the same year too! I had a radical hysterectomy 22nd jan for not getting clear margins after my lletz.I've just recieved news that no futher treatment is needed just close monitoring for the next 5 yrs. Fingers crossed your staging stays the same,I was told 1b1 before scans and too was worried but they seem pretty much on target with there staging as mine stayed a 1b1 after scans too. Fingers crossed for you! 

I have a 3 year old and a 4 month old. Our bodies take years to normalize after having a baby and having a cancer diagnosis makes it very difficult.

When I first got my diagnosis, I got all the research and numbers and Googled everything I could. It sent me into panic attacks. Don't Google. Write your questions down for the doctor to answer. 

Exercise, anti-anxiety medication, and spending time with my children helped me through that period from diagnosis to plan of care. If you can't help yourself, limit your "cancer time" to 15 minutes a day and one day where cancer just doesn't exist. 

The best thing you can do for yourself now is enjoy the time with your baby and find something that makes you happy. 

Thank you! I’m in a much better place now that I’ve had a proper discussion with consultants and have a better idea of where I’m heading treatment wise! I also know that this is being taken seriously and investigation has been started by the hospital. Had my MRI on Friday so now it’s just the longest wait for results before finalising treatment plan. Anyone had a PET-CT Scan? I’m to have one next week and aside from being radioactive I’ve no clue what to expect. X


The PET-CT scan is similar to the MRI but not as loud! I actually prefered it to the MRI because it was not as claustraphobic, not as loud! and it was quicker.  But you spend longer at the appointment because before the scan they give you an injection of the radiactive tracer and then you have to sit quietly for an hour while it works through your body. I had mine in a mobile scanning unit and it was a bit weird because it was in the back of a lorry...


Thank you, I don’t think anything could be as loud as the MRI! Wasn’t prepared for how deafening it would be! The headphones & music definitely helped but it made me jump when it first kicks in x

I found the PET CT boring! The radioactive stuff isn’t too bad just not being allowed around children or growing things (young animals) afterwards is a bit awful but makes sense.

You get the injection, get to sit doing literally nothing (I read a magazine & listened to a radio but was specifically told not to play on my phone) for an hour, you then have to pee in the radioactive toilet haha. 

Then you get the scan, it’s kind of like an MRI (less noise & less claustrophobic) I nearly fell asleep in it it doesn’t last too long. 

Then it’s home & plenty of fluids to flush the radioactive substance from your body :)

As above mine was in a mobile scanning unit too which combined the back of a lorry and some portacabins lol & don’t forget to not wear metal, if you don’t have any metal on you the chances are you can wear your own clothes in it