
So I got a colposcopy on the 27th January, I know with COVID will make results take longer. However 3 years ago I had an good good, nothing found smear. This year I have an HPV Positive and High grade (Serve) cell changes. So hench me the whole nervous as I wasn't expecting that result at all. 

Well at the appointment the lady turned the screen away from me completely and told me nothing. Don't get me wrong she did inform of what she was doing and was fantastic. Just I always here of people being told some information. I had an LEETZ there and then. I know cancer is unlikely as well. I just really am struggling to wait for these results. My Smear took 5 weeks and I had my colposcopy appointment arranged by phone before I even had my smear results. So I guess just hearing others not be told anything or even just getting this posted to get it off my chest is better than sitting and overthinking. 

I have 3 children aged 4, 2 and 8 months, as well as being 30 in June. So I guess that's make me more worried.

Hi Sammie, 


I'm in a similar position as you. 


My colposcopy was on the 26th January, still no results.


They didn't turn the screen away, but didn't tell me some of the things others on this forum appear to have been told.


Some of the questions I'm trying to find out from others, to see how 'normal' my experience was are:

Do you know how much was removed during your LLETZ? Did it come off in one lump, or two? How many anaesthetic injections did you need? Did you have diathermy ablation afterwards?


I hope you get your results soon. Xx