My tumour has grown back

Hi ladies


I had my three month check on Thursday and the MRI shows my tumour has grown back. In February just before i was due to have brachytherapy (which failed) my MRI showed really amazing positive shrinkage. So it looks like this is an aggressive tumour. My next step is a PET CT scan later today to see where and if there are any other "hotspots". My doctor is talking radical hysterectomy and possible partial removal of bladder and or bowel. I am absolutely devastated. Does anyone else have experience of this? I'm 57 and was post menopause when I started with symptoms  

Oct 16 - bloody discharge and pelvic pain

Nov 16 - hysteroscopy, colposcopay, ultrasound scans, 2 MRIs. 

December 16 - confirmed stage 2b cc adenocarcinoma

January 17 - started course of 5 weeks chemo/radiation

Stopped chemo after two rounds - nearly killed me

Feb 17 - attempted brachytherapy but it failed  Dr  couldnt get the rods in right position  two more weeks of radiotherapy 





Hi Julie, so very sorry to hear of your recurrence. I don't share your experience, but I did have a radical hysterectomy prior to having chemo rads, and it had spread to 5 lymph nodes. It sounds as though there are treatment options, but that it is likely to be radical surgery. At this time you want to get family and friends to rally around in a practical way. I don't know if you live alone or have a partner/family, but they will need to give you the space you need to prepare for this and get through treatment.  There are other women on this site Julie who have gone onto have major surgery, so I hope they see your post and respond. Wishing you all the very best over the weeks and months to come. Take care.


Thanks Rachel. I have a very supportive husband and close family but nothing anyone can say makes this any easier to bear. I'm just so scared of what's to come xx

Hi Julie 

If it comes to radical surgery I've had it so feel free to get in touch whenever you need to. 

I hope it doesn't come to that though and they can get it out with a hysterectomy.

This period of waiting is just hellish. I know you can't help but worry 24/7 but if you can try to have a few nice moments if you can. I don't like to think of cancer spoiling every day. 

Cara xxx

Hi Cara


You're right, the waiting is the worst. This time tomorrow I'll know what the next step will be. I'll probably be posting again asking more questions. 

Oct 16 - bloody discharge and pelvic pain

Nov 16 - hysteroscopy, colposcopay, ultrasound scans, 2 MRIs. 

December 16 - confirmed stage 2b cc adenocarcinoma

January 17 - started course of 5 weeks chemo/radiation

Stopped chemo after two rounds - nearly killed me

Feb 17 - attempted brachytherapy but it failed  Dr  couldnt get the rods in right position  two more weeks of radiotherapy 

Julie how are you getting on? I’ve been told my tumour has started growing back so I’m just waiting for a pet scan to see if it’s spread xx

To both Unicorns and,Walking Dog,

There are several of us in the advanced forum who have had exenterations very recently.. If you ask to join there, we talk about exenterations quite a lot and there are ladies in there who are also undergoing the chemo and other options too and they can support you through that. Please don't be too afraid if they offer you exenterations. It's good news with a realistic chance of a cure.



Sorry, only just realised this post was a year ago! Still apply for advanced though Unicorns.
