My experience of Radio/Chemo/Brachy

Hi ladies

I started treatment on the 22nd August and have one brachy left to do next week. Before my treatment started I found it helpful coming on here and reading the stories of other ladies who had recently been through it so thought I would do a post.

So my treatment plan was 25 sessions of radiotherapy, 5 sessions of chemo and 2 brachy. I had radiotherapy everyday for 5 weeks and chemo once a week, so on a Wednesday I had radiotherapy in a morning, a 4 hour gap and then chemo in the afternoon. The doctors like to leave a gap between the two treatments.

You will have blood taken before each chemo session. I got told in my first week that I needed a blood transfusion and this made me panic like mad. If this happens DON’T WORRY. It’s actually really common and the reason they do it is to give your red cells a boost. This helps the radiotherapy to work. I met two other women with 2B CC at the hospital and they both had to have blood transfusions during their treatment.

Although I read most people cope with their first week quite well, I didn’t!! I was extremely tired and emotional. Then again, I did have my fertility preserved only 5 days before starting treatment which involved keyhole surgery. I don’t think I fully recovered from that before treatment started and my emotions were all over the place.
As soon as I started treatment I found that my taste buds completely changed. I can’t drink coffee anymore and I used to love it. I’m craving things I don’t usually like.

Week 2 was better and I coped with treatment okay that week as the diarrhoea and nausea hadn’t set in too much. I felt fine some days and others I was sleeping a hell of a lot.

On weeks 3,4 and 5 I started experiencing worse side effects. It started to burn when I would go for a wee so I tried to drink water and cranberry juice to help with that. I am getting up during the night about 3 or 4 times for the toilet and finding I can’t hold it. The build up of radiotherapy over the weekdays made the diarrhoea unbearable for me at a weekend. Sometimes I just let it run it course and other times I would need to take immodium to stop it.

It’s strange because you might have a day where the side effects really get you down. You’ll cry and feel like you just want it to be over but then you’ll have a good day and forget about how shit the day before was.

On week 5 I was told I couldn’t have my last session of chemo because my white cells were too low. I was devastated and started to panic again. If this happens don’t worry too much. I was reassured that I had done well to have 4 chemos. The radiotherapy is the most important part of the treatment and a lot of ladies can’t handle all the chemo in the treatment plan because it’s really intense and a lot for our bodies to take. I met a lady at hospital who’s 67. She wasn’t given any chemo because she had kidney problems. She is having just radiotherapy and brachy and she got told this week that her tumor has nearly gone!

Good Luck if you’re about to start treatment. I’m not going to sugar coat it, it was harder than I thought it would be but I did it and so will you. The best advice I can give is to just try and take the treatment day by day. You’re going to have really good days amongst the bad ones.


Hi Nell 

thank you for sharing your experience. When I was first diagnosed I could not read enough about how treatment was gonna be so the more people who share the better!

everyone is different but in the end we all pretty much say that it's doable!! This helps all the new ladies for sure. 

Stay healthy!

Thanks. I've just got started - 28 rads, 5 chemo, 3 brachy. I'd read loads, but have been a bit downhearted to find the nausea kicked in after only 2 rads and before chemo. Still, the anti sickness meds from the chemo yesterday have eased it. Not sure if it's more exhaustion related than anything, we'll see! Good luck with your final brachy.

Anne xx

Hi Nell. I too only got 4 chemos due to wbc count and severe dehydration. I was able to go to week 1, skipped week 2, then did week three, 4 and 5, and that was it. Chemo dr wanted me to come in for a 5th but again my wbc count was down, and now my platelets are down so I'm facing possible transfusion next week with my last 2 brachys. Oncologist told me not to do anymore Chemo though, so my chemo dr canceled the last 2. She was adamant about trying all 6, but my onc said that was overkill and it should only be used during the external radiation with our course of treatment. I had few good days, mostly bad days unfortunately. I only had a few problems with the diarreah from radiation, most of my issues were chemo related. My body just did not like it at all. I stayed so sick. I have been getting those Neupogen shots to up my WBC count, and omg they make me feel so bad, like the flu. So at this point I have had 25 radios, 4  chemod, and next Thursday will have had 5 brachys. Then the waiting game starts!

Hi Nell :-) Thanks for sharing this, glad to hear you are doing so well. It put me right off coffee too but don't worry, that doesn't last for too long, you will be able to enjoy coffee again after this is all over. It might be helpful for new people here to know that it varies from hospital to hospital and many of us have chemo first on chemo days and then straight round to radiotherapy without the 4-hour wait between the two. Not that that makes the day go any quicker because it seems that if you have the chemo first you spend more hours in the chemo department anyway. I mentioned it only so nobody worries if they have their treatments the other way around.

Be lucky :-)