Mixed feelings. The day is finally here....

Hi ladies,

Thanks for reading my post. So today is the day I start my treatment for stage 2b cc. Radiation/chemo and brachy. After nearly 5 months of scans, misdiagnosis and tests I am finally getting round to starting it. I will be honest and I am a complete anxious wreck. So nervous, scared and have concerns. On top, I have had a crazy week of being made redundant, moving flats and splitting with my boyfriend. Going through a heartbreak on top of this isn’t helping but I have to put this first now above anything. My worry is I say a nutritionist last week and she stated how chemo/radiation is so dangerous and I can choose not to have it and kill cancer using cannibis oil and raw no sugar foods so obviously doing my research it shows this cannibis looks like it’s proving to kill cancer but not talked about because it will put all the big companies out of business. Also to give up sugar as cancer feeds on sugar r en natural sugars so no grapes apples etc so now I’m not sure what to eat?? Does anyone have any suggestions? Number for a cancer dietician?? Also is it true chemo kills alot of patients before the cancer does? I’m so worried I’m going to hurt my body so much and kill so much healthy organs and tissues etc it won’t repair itself. Also does any of you ladies get so panicky about it ? In trying to stay calm but at night I do wonder and it’s affecting me sleep wise. Iv moved into a new flat on my own, will I be ok on my own? I think I Rolland if I feel unwell I prefer being on my own I think. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Reading all your amazing posts have helped me a lot since my diagnosis so Thankyou all and for being so inspiring and helpful.


Oh Geo!


This is so distressing on every level! OK, so one at a time;

Being made redundant is just awful, I know, but there are positives to come from that. Hopefully you received some redundancy money which you might be able to use to pamper yourself with when the treatment is over, and hopefully, because you don't have a job and are having cancer treatment you can claim benefits of some kind (because I am not in UK I have no idea what your entitlements are but no doubt Macmillan will help you out with that if you need any help).

Moving flat is stressful I also know, but there are loads of positives here. It's very sad that you have split up with your boyfriend but hopefully now that you are in new surroundings there won't be all sorts of reminders staring back at you, you have new neighbours to get to know, loads of deciding what furniture to put where (or whatever) heaps of distractions and lots of new and exciting things to think about and to discover.

This nutritionist you saw, does she have ANY qualifications? She is telling you DANGEROUS LIES and were it not for 'freedom of speech' should probably be put in jail.

Chemo radiation therapy has been proven to cure cancer and you can find anything you like about that all over the internet without relying on marketing from big pharmaceutical companies.

Cannabis oil, raw food diets and sugar-free diets are faddish and DO NOT WORK. These are devised by people who want to be famous, make money for themselves but aren't actually clever enough to make a scientific discovery themselves.

Yes, cancer feeds on sugar but so does the whole of the rest of your body. our bodies convert food into sugars which we use to grow and to replace cells as they die. Yes natural sugars are better for your general health than highly processed sugars but for goodness sake don't let this dangerous idiot of a woman make you stop eating apples. 

Chemo does not kill patients before the cancer does. This is a huge lie and I wish I had this woman's name and address so I could get the police round to see her. She is a total charlatan and a fraud please promise me you will never ever go and seek her advice ever again.

If you are worried about being on your own in your new flat do you have a sister or a friend you could call on to join you if you felt unwell? In fact most of us cope just fine, you are unlikely to feel so unwell that you cannot cope by yourself but it's a good idea to have somebody you can call on just in case.

I am really hoping Geo that you will find your treatment such a break from your previous routine that it will provide the perfect distraction from all this other horribleness going on around you. I hope that like most of us you find it's not nearly as daunting as you thought it would be and that you make lots of lovely new friends in both chemo and radio clinics :-)


Be lucky :-)

Hi Geo:

Just a quick comment as I'm running out the door.

All cells, including cancer cells, take in sugar to grow and do their thing. Cancer cells do take up glucose (sugar) quicker than other cells, which is why, before a PET scan, you have  a sugar free day, so that when you drink the sugar solution prior to the scan, the cancer cells will light up. Just because they take it up quicker, does not mean that they take more or that not ever eating sugar will stop cancer cells growing. Eating less sugar is obviously good for you though.

Cannabis has some medical uses, but no one would seriously use it instead of chemo.

Sweetie, I know this chemo/rad thing is a scary thing, but you can do it. It is proven to work - just read the forum. Tons and tons of ladies on here have done it and are now living cancer free., and you will be one of them.


t xx

Hi geo

i would first like to say, that when first diagnosed I went straight to a natu pathic dr to get a consult, I was expecting him to say the treatment plan I was given by my oncology team was bad, however, he told me it was a great treatment plan and he would never advise anyone with cancer to go against medical advice. He did help with giving me serums to help me through treatment and then also advised me that after my treatment was done and some time has passed he would help detox my body from everything. I also saw a nutritionalist and she helped me devise a diet to help my body be able to cope and recover from the different parts of treatment.(although none of her diet stuck due to my issues with diarrhea)  She never said to not go to have treatment. So that lady you saw is a quack!! She might have these opinions but surely doesn't know much. 

I am also sorry to hear about your recent break-up. Clearly you deserve much more. The fact that this is happening at this time just tells you he is not worth your time. If you can go through this and moving and being without a job then treatment has nothing on you!!!

i think you will defiantly be ok on your own but do have someone as a backup plan if needed. Pull in all the resources you can just in case. We are here for you, keep us posted. Head up high!!!! You got this!!!!

I just wanted to say that I hope your first day went ok. Also, to echo what the others have said - please don't worry about what this woman told you. I have a friend who is very qualified as a complementary therapist - she always emphasises complementary, NOT alternative. I spoke to her about diet and nutrition to support my body through treatment, much like Lolli's advice, as it felt as though I could take back some control if I was drinking healthy smoothies and watching my iron, etc. My friend's attitude is that cancer is kicked with a belt and braces approach - kick it with the medical cocktails, throw the lot at it, then help recovery with healthy eating and supplements if you need them. If you are interested in natural health as a complement to treatment, I've heard that turmeric is showing promise and has been mentioned on a couple of notable cancer research sites - but ask your oncologist, they are massive experts and care about you.

Anne X

Hi geo

hoping your first day went ok??

I'm thinking of you!!

Hi Geo

I want to jump through my ipad and give you the biggest hug in the world!

I also hate the idea of chemorads and wish there was another way. I feel that the 5 months of chemo I had has done havoc on my body, and now about to do the chemoradiation and brachytherapy I'm also scared and concerned as are you. But I feel that I will just have to put so much effort in at the end to heal my body and make it healthy again.

I saw a naturopath who has given me some great vitamins and supplements (the real strong ones) to counteract some of the treatment side effects. If you want the names of them you can PM me and I can relay them. I think you need a naturopath to get them prescribed but it could give you a good idea of ones to even purchase from a health food store if you didn't want to go down the naturopathy road. 

Ive often thought about trialling other remedies to cure cancer but I've never been serious about doing any of it because even though i think some of it could help and even possibly heal - we are against time! So we just don't have time to experiment. We have to sort our cancer out against the clock. So we just have to heal our bodies quickly and chemorads is the way to go!  

Geo, I know there is so much going on in your life right now. I am sorry to hear about your breakup, that would be difficult to deal with. I really hope you're ok. Do you have friends and family around at the moment?  


Thinking of you. Please let us know if you're ok and how you're first day of treatment went? 


Lots of love

Rosie xx

hey ladies an you all so much for your replies. I have read everyone of them but for some reason my phone  let me write

 replies on forums just my iPad and iv not had a moment where iv been chilling  home! So nearly first week doNe for me and I am so relived and you are all so right it's not half as bad as Id thought. Only side effect is swollen eyes but they gave me anti histamine for them and they've gone doWn already. I was wiped out on weds after my chemo on Tuesday but just had an early night and fime next day. 

As for the nutritional advice thank  all I haven't I'm sure you will be glad  know gone back to that lady! She scared me a bit too much! I would be very interested though in having details from you

Sorry it sent without me meaning to! I would be interested STarlight in getting some details from you regarding NAuropath remedies . I have been eating g relatively normal I'm quite healthy anyway so lots of fruit and vegetables. I haven't meet anyone rough as of yet In the chemo or radiation wards that I've made friends with. I go on my own and tend to just take a book. Chemo was scary at first because they couldn't find a vein and I was pricked 6 times! Then it burst out the vein when the fluids were going in that was painful! I did speak to an older lady there with stage 4 cancer and apparently they are still aiming to cure her too although it's stage 4? 


With regards to  as side treatment I have settled into my new home fine and have my family and friends calling me loads and checking up  me so I feel safe. But going through a breakup is tough and I do miss him dearly as he was my rock up until now. He has a lot of issues to deal with himself and he needs to focus on them even though maybe he could of just put that aside and been there for me  seen where we could have gone but I don't need sympathy I need a man that is there no matter what regardless not someone with terms  conditions along with their help.


thanks  much ladies this forum is so helpful and although late reply I have read the posts just not replied. Not meant to say rough up the top there and apologises for the predictive text and typos the site isnt very comple with iPads either I'm gathering!

As for job I don't get redundancy pay out unfortunately as I wasn't with the company for 2 years or longer so benefits are a nightmare I v never really claimed before but looks like I can't get hardly any money to help! Savings have gone down dramatically! 


Hi again Geo :-)

Glad things are turning out not-so-bad and extra glad you have not been back to the scary lady :-) Yes, people are cured from stage 4 :-) Philleepa is one of them but there are several others around. Sorry you didn't get a redundancy payout but you must be entitled to benefits of some sort. Perhaps you need to ask the Citizens' Advice Bureau? When I was made redundant I was put on a 'Jobseekers' Allowance but I guess you can't have that because you can't be actively jobseeking if you have to attend hospital every day. Therefore you must surely be entitled to sickness benefit?

Be lucky :-)

CBD oil is absolutely safe. They even sell it with appropriate dosage instructions for the size of your animal. CBD gets extracted from the cannabis plant and it helps ease seizures (although sometimes THC is also needed to appropriately stop serious conditions), as well as anxiety, pain, nerve damage, arthritis, and other ailments. There are no negative side effects and there is no risk of overdose. Dosing is a question because I have seen from experience a dog with too much CBD oil will get lethargic, just overly sleepy for the day. So you lessen the dose a little. You will see their comfort immediately improve. They will start eating again and will act pretty healthy, even when they are dying. They act happy, like their old selves. That was our experience. Best wishes.


Read more https://formulaswiss.com/collections/buy-cbd-oil


In order to have an idea of how CBD oil works in the body to produce its pain-relieving and therapeutic effects, one has to have a general understanding of the endocannabinoid system, or ECS.


Basically, the ECS is the human body’s very own “internal” cannabis system. It includes a network of neurotransmitters and receptors that, believe it or not, are virtually identical to the active compounds found in marijuana. These compounds work together with cell and tissue types all throughout the body to help mediate, regulate, and control things like inflammation, the pain and immune response systems, neurogenesis (new cell production), apoptosis (programmed cell death), and even psychological behavior and response.


In fact, the naturally-occurring neurotransmitters and receptors that make up the endocannabinoid system are so widespread throughout the body that doctors have labeled it as perhaps the most “central component of the health and healing of every human being.” The only reason we haven’t heard much about it over the years is because it’s only recently been discovered – in the 1990’s to be exact, by famous Israeli scientist Dr. Raphael Mechoulam


On a therapeutic level, CBD works by interacting with ECS receptors in the body’s various cell, organ, and tissue systems. And since its receptors are found literally all throughout the body, it makes sense that cannabis – and CBD oil in particular – has the ability to effectively treat any range of medical challenges.
