Memory loss

Me again!

I’ve noticed over the last couple of months I’ve been forgetting things a lot more than normal, I’ll be having a conversation and I forget what I have just said or what I was about to say, I will pick up my phone to do something and forget what I was going to do or I’ll forget why I’ve gone into a room etc. Luckily it’s not that bad that I’m forgetting got feed my cats and dog and general things like that but it just got me thinking that’s all…

I am under a lot of stress at the moment and I know stress can cause memory loss but I wanted to know if anyone else has the same? Is it part of the menopause? I’m new to this being 29 and all :slight_smile:

Sounds menopausal to me :-) Interesting though, most women hit menopause naturally at about 50 and memory loss is often attributed to it, but I think men at 50 are also perfectly capable of forgetting where they left their car keys etc. So I think that the jury might be out on that one. Perhaps we should run a little survey of other women with early menopause :-)

My excuse of course is that my brain is completely full up - no RAM left for new stuff :-)

Be lucky :-)


my memory is defiantly not the same anymore , I'm putting it down to early menopause to , I'm 43 now,  I forget the most simplist of things ,  I think I'm struggling more at work to , memory  and my concentration levels ,  i never used to be like this until I hit this menopause lark !! 

take care 




Put it down to stress. What with the lack of sleep and the worry I'm surprised any of us can remember to put our knickers on the right way round!


Thanks ladies think it maybe a mixture of both hope everyone is well x