Low grade changes

Went for my first smear a few weeks ago, got the results today saying I have HPV and low grade dyskaryosis. I will be having a colposcopy, i’m just wondering what they will most likely do at the appointment? With low grade changes will I need treatment?

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Hi @cb83737 i also had this in Feb the consultant was happy to monitor for 6 months but i asked to have removed as the whole thing scared me i would say you will most likely be offered same i had my 6 month test of cure last week so praying the procedure i had has worked🙏 with our results were very lucky xx

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The standard treatment of CIN1 is watchful waiting because it often goes away on its own.

I had the same last year - positive HPV & abnormal cells. I had colposcopy with biopsies and was found to have CIN1 so down for yearly smear tests to keep an eye on things. They can perform treatment at the colposcopy but only if the changes warrant it & you consent to the treatment.

Hello, I recieved the same 3 years ago. At the appointment, she checked to confirm the smear results. She said there was a few small areas, that she cut off with the punch biopsy. Didnt hurt much, like a sharp scratch that didnt even last a few seconds. She said she was confident patches were removed with biopsys and were sent to lab. My results arrived around 6 weeks later giving me the all clear and back to 3 yearly smears. Hope this helps x

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